This event allows for capital gain/loss adjustments to be processed to a Custom Holding Account.
Navigate to Fund Level > Transactions > Fund Income > Realised accounting gain/loss
- Select the Custom Holding Account
- Enter the Effective Date of the capital gain or loss
- Enter the net accounting Gain/Loss Amount (A positive number for an accounting gain or a negative number for an accounting loss)
- Enter the Other Capital Gain gross amount that is not eligible for discount (i.e. non-discountable gain)
- Enter the Discounted Capital Gain gross amount grossed-up (i.e. record the discounted capital gain before applying the discount)
- Enter the Indexed Capital Gain gross amount as a result of applying the indexation method
- Enter the Capital Loss gross amount made by the custom holding account (Enter it as a positive number)
- Enter the Deferred Capital Gains Realised amount as a result of taking up the transitional CGT relief that is being realised for the period (Only applicable if the effective date of the event is on or after 1 July 2017 and this amount will not be adjusted for CGT discounts or pension exemption factor, it will be applied against capital losses)
- Enter a Description (Default is Realised Accounting Gain/Loss)
- Select the CGT Classification of the type of asset that the capital gain or loss occurred on (Default is to 'Use the holding account CGT classification')
- Click Submit to save
Other Capital Gain, Discounted Capital Gain, Indexed Capital Gain, Capital Loss and Deferred Capital Gain Realised are all fields that are used for tax purposes only and will not appear on the Match Transactions screen.
Gain/Loss Amount field is an amount is for accounting purposes and will appear on the Match Transactions screen.