In this article, we will provide a detailed description of why to use this flow, how to obtain access tokens, refresh tokens and id tokens via the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Flow.
Authorisation code flow is the preferred flow and most secure method of accessing the Class API. This flow allows for communication from secure servers only (https) and requires customers to provide authentication that includes MFA, making it very secure and complies with the ATO requirements.
This flow also allows the issue of refresh tokens making it possible for web applications to obtain information without having the end user authenticate again, each time.
To use this flow, you will be required to provide a redirect URL and an image/logo to identify your Application to end users that authorise your Application to obtain data from Class on their behalf. End-users will be able to also revoke permission from your Application if required (cancel refresh tokens).
Outline of Flow
The authorization code flow involves the following high-level steps:
- Your integration directs the user to the Class authorisation endpoint by making an authorisation request. This request identifies your Application and the scope of resources you wish to access.
Once authorization is complete, Class redirects the user to the requested redirection endpoint of your Application. An authorization code is included in the response.
Response body includes:
- grant_type:authorization_code
- code:"381553a0-d173-4df9-ac5f-5ed167dxxxxx" - Class authenticates the user and prompts them to authorise the requested access. The user will need to provide their Class credentials including their MFA. This step is handled by the Class App during the first step above.
- Your Application makes a token request to the Class token endpoint and includes the authorisation_code obtained above.
Class returns a token response containing the access token and, if requested, an id_token and/or refresh token. It also returns the scope granted.
Response body includes:
"token_type":"bearer", "access_token":"gIcXxxp90FodZ8wFhdiEimminDE4Y1dTbW2AfhS859-xxxxxx", "id_token":"eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6Ij-xxxxxx", "refresh_token":"a2a86079-4885-44ec-9233-ac629a4xxxxx",
"BusinessName":"{Customer_Business_Name}", "BusinessCode":"{Customer_Business_Code}", "scope":"class_profile openid offline_access target:b/{Customer_Business_Code}" - Your application calls the Class API endpoint and exchange Access token for data.
Authorisation Request
The authorisation request prompts the Class Application user for consent before redirecting them to the requested redirect URI. The consent requested will be determined by the scope(s) included in the request.
If the authorisation is successful, the response will also include an authorization code that can be exchanged for an access_token.
If the authorisation scope includes "openid" & "class_profile" then you will be able to also obtain an id_token when exchanging the authorisation code.
If the authorisation scope includes "offline_access" then you will be able to also obtain a refresh_token when exchanging the authorisation code.
Authorisation Header
Requests involved in this flow require basic authentication using the client_id and client_secret issued for your Application/integration. The authorization header is case-sensitive, including the word Basic. It can be constructed as follows:
- Concatenate the client_id and client_secret, separated by a single colon
for example: <client_id>:<client_secret> - Base64 encode the authentication string above, for example: PGNsaWVudF9pZD46PGNsaWVudF9zZWNyZXTvu78+
- Include the Base64 encoded authentication string in the Authorization request header, preceded by the string "Basic".
Authorization: Basic PGNsaWVudF9pZD46PGNsaWVudF9zZWNyZXTvu78+
Authorization Query Parameters
The following query parameters are supported for authorization requests:
Value |
response_type (required) |
code | For the authorisation code flow, the value must be code. |
client_id (required) |
Your Application client_id issued by Class |
Identifies the requesting integration to the authorisation server. The value must be the client_id that was issued for your Application/integration. |
redirect_uri (required) |
Your Applications redirect endpoint |
Specifies where the authorization response will be sent. The value must be an absolute URI and must exactly match the redirection endpoint registered for your Application, including protocol (https), case, and trailing "/" character if present. Optionally, a query string may be included in the URI. If present, any query parameters will be echoed in the authorisation response, in addition to the regular response parameters defined in the Authorisation response section. |
scope (required) |
A space-delimited list of scope values | List of scope values describing the access being requested by your Application/integration. See Authorization scope for a detailed description of this parameter and the values supported. |
state | Any string | This value is not used by the authorisation server, but is echoed in the response to your integration and can be used to track state through the authorisation process. |
prompt | none, login, consent |
Specifies how the authorisation server should prompt the authorising user for consent.
Multiple values may be specified for this parameter in a space-delimited list. For example,prompt=login consent combines both the login and consent behaviours. |
login_hint | Email address | Provides a hint to the authorisation server as to the identity of the authorising user. This value will be pre-filled in the email field of the login prompt if the user needs to login to Class before authorising the request. |
While the state parameter is optional as per OAuth specification, Class mandates that this parameter be used to mitigate the risk of cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks. State parameter should be a random value and not linked to any account and is not traceable for subsequent requests. Please see Section 10.12 of the OAuth 2.0 specification for further details.
An example authorization request, with white space added for readability:
client_id={Your ClientId for your Application}&
scope=class_profile openid offline_access
Authorisation Response
Once the request has been handled by the authorisation server, the user will be redirected to the URI specified in the redirect_uri parameter in the request.
For unsuccessful requests, the response consists of a single parameter, error, with an error value as described in Error codes.
For successful requests, the response parameters are as follows:
code | An authorisation code | An authorisation code that can be exchanged for an access token. As described in the following section. |
state | Any string | The same value that was specified for the state parameter in the authorisation request. |
Token Request
This request requires Client authentication.
The token request is used to exchange the authorisation code from the authorisation response for an access token that can be used to access the Class API.
Requests are made via an HTTP POST request to the token endpoint.
The following parameters are supported for token requests:
Value |
grant_type | True | authorization_code | The type of OAuth 2.0 grant being exchanged. For authorization code grant requests this field must be set to authorization_code. |
code | True |
The code from the authorization request |
The code that is being exchanged for an access token. Each authorization code can only be exchanged once. |
redirect_uri | True | The URI from the authorization request |
The value must exactly match URI that was specified in the redirect_uri parameter for the authorization request. |
An example token request, with white space added for readability:
Token Response
The token endpoint returns a response in JSON format.
For unsuccessful requests, the JSON object will contain two properties, error with an error value as described in Error codes, and error_description containing a more specific, human-readable error message.
For successful requests, the JSON object will contain the following properties:
access_token | An access token | This is the token that is used to access user resources via the Class API. |
token_type | bearer | The type of access token. Currently, the Class API only supports Bearer tokens and this property will always have the value bearer. |
refresh_token | A refresh token |
A refresh token that can be used to obtain a new access token without user interaction as described in Refresh request. This property will only be included if offline_access was included in the scope parameter. |
id_token | An ID Token |
An ID Token containing identity information about the Class user that can be used for authentication. This property will only be included if openid was included in the authorization scope parameter. |
expires_in | String | The number of seconds until the access token expires. |
scope | A space-delimited list of scope values | The actual scope of the access token. This may be different from what was requested in the scope parameter in the authorization request. See Authorization scope for a detailed description of this parameter and possible scope values. |
Examples of successful and unsuccessful token responses, with white space added for readability:
Example successful response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 959
Cache-Control: no-cache
Pragma: no-cache
"scope":"target:b/OAUTH_TEST offline_access",
"BusinessName":"OAuth Test Business",
Example error response
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 77
Cache-Control: no-cache
Pragma: no-cache
"error_description":"Client authentication failed"
This request requires Client authentication.
The refresh request allows integrations with offline_access to obtain new access tokens without interaction from the user via an authorization request. A refresh token is a credential that OAuth uses to get a new access token without user interaction. This allows the Authorization Server to shorten the access token lifetime for security purposes without involving the user when the access token expires.
Requests are made via an HTTP POST request to the token endpoint.
The following parameters are supported for refresh requests:
Value |
grant_type | True | refresh_token | The type of OAuth 2.0 grant being exchanged. For the refresh requests, this field must be set to refresh_token. |
refresh_token | True |
The refresh token from the original token response |
The refresh token that is being exchanged for an access token. Each refresh token can only be exchanged once. |
An example refresh request, with white space added for readability:
Authorization: Basic PGNsaWVudF9pZD46PGNsaWVudF9zZWNyZXTvu78+
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 75
What's Next?
- Find out more about different Authorization scopes supported by Class.
- List of Class APIs