Feature Summary
Daily Cash Data | Account Holder Authority | Adviser Authority | Loan Accounts | Accepts e-signature | History* |
Y |
Y |
Y |
N |
Y |
Y |
*The historical transactions can be requested by using the "Request History" button.
Configuration Process
Navigate to Fund Level > Feeds > Feeds Console > Select “Bank”
Enter the account information as per the statement:
Field Name |
Field Description | Example |
number |
The Macquarie BSB and account number |
BSB: 182-182 Account Number: 921020199 |
Product |
Set to "Macquarie Bank Account" |
Macquarie Bank Account |
Authority Process
Account Holder Authority
Adviser Authority Process
- In the Data Source section, click the "Generate" button. Class will generate the authority form.
- .Print the Authority form and arrange for the account holder to complete section 6 on the form (Please see note 2). Send the Terms and conditions and the authority form to the account holder. Please ignore the request from Macquarie -Please attach a copy of the account holder(s) Driver’s Licence or passport. Requesting such documents is contrary to Class Privacy and security policy .
- Click the "Upload" button to upload the authority form. The feed's status will update to "Waiting on Provider."
- It is not required to send the authority form to the Provider directly. Class will automatically forward the form to Macquarie once the Authority Form is uploaded.
- The Macquarie Adviser should log into the website and generate an ESI key. Please look at Adviser or Other 3rd Party Authority for more details.
- Add an adviser ID per How to enter Adviser Authorities in Class.
- Change the status to "Waiting on Provider."
1. The data is expected to load automatically within 10 business days.
2. Authority forms dated 90 days after signing are not accepted by the provider. Please upload a newly signed form.
Account types not supported.
- Term Deposits
- Loan Accounts
- Business Banking Accounts are nine digits long and with account numbers that start with '2' or '3
Additional Information
- In Section 5, account holders must hand complete all fields or, using one of the following accepted digital formats, A certificate of compliance with a documented trail of the request from the client's email address is required to attach with the Authority Form.
- Docu-sign
- Adobe-sign
- Conga-sign
- Annature
- FuseSign
- Iress Digital Signature
- Nitro Sign
- OneSpan - Upon receiving digitally signed requests with the COC attached, Macquarie tend to follow up with the account holders and email them to call Macquarie to confirm the request verbally. The case is closed if the client does not call through and Macquarie doesn't authorise the feed. Please ask your clients to watch for any requests from the Macquarie activation team.
Symbol | Description |
Supported |
Not supported by Class |
Not supported by Provider. |