The Browse Tax Lodgment page allows you to view the status of the Annual Returns for the selected fund.
Navigate to Fund Level > Periodic Processing > Browse Tax Lodgments
- Year - The financial year for the SMSF annual return
- Version - The number of tax return documents created
- This Year Lodged Successfully - Yes/No
- Amendment in Progress - This indicates whether there is an amended tax return created but not lodged for the financial year? Yes/No
- Amount Due/Refundable - This indicates the dollar amount due or refundable based on the most recent annual return successfully lodged
- Date Lodged -This is the time/date stamp to indicate when the annual return was successfully lodged
- Transmission ID - This shows the number from the most recent annual return successfully lodged
If you click anywhere on the row this will take you to the Period Update screen.
The status of the annual return will show as either being:
- Not Submitted: where the return has been prepared but it has not been submitted to the Tax Agent for lodgment
- Submitted to Tax Agent: where the return has been submitted to the Tax Agent for lodgment
- Rejected by Tax Agent: where the return has been rejected by the Tax Agent (due to incorrect processing)
- Lodgment Submitted to ATO: where the return has been submitted by the Tax Agent to ATO, however, no validation/transmission messages has been received
- Lodgment Succeeded: where the return has been successfully lodged to the ATO
- Lodgment Failed: where the return has been rejected by the ATO due to certain validation errors
If the annual return is lodged manually, tick the 'Manual Lodgment' checkbox, the Lodgment Status will display as 'Not Submitted' at the Fund level and as 'Manually Lodged' at the Business level.