The report package functionality allows you to run reports in bulk, with a single click, rather than having to run lots of reports one at a time at Fund Level.
Report packages are useful for creating standard year-end report packs, audit packs, quarterly reporting packs.
We will run through the following options;
- Maintain Report Packages
- Run an Existing Report Pack
- Modifying an Existing Report Package
- New Report Package
- Report Package History
Maintain Report Packages
This screen allows you to view and run all report packages set up at Business Level.
Navigate to Business Level > Reports > Report Packages
It is important to note that the buttons which appear on this screen are applied to the report package you select:
- Run - This will run the selected report pack
- Save - If you make any changes under Summary or Common Settings tab you must click here to save changes
- Clone - This will clone the report pack you have selected (Name of the new pack will default to Copy of XXXX)
- Lock - This will lock down the report pack from being changed
- Delete - This will delete the entire report pack at business level
Run an Existing Report Pack
Navigate to Business Level > Reports > Maintain Report Packages
- Select a specific Brand (Optional)
- Search by Report Pack's Name (Optional)
- Select the Report Pack from the list
- Click Run
Modifying an Existing Report Package
Packages should normally be locked to prevent unintended changes made to them. This screen consists of 4 tabs:
- Summary
- Common Settings
- Reports
- History
Summary Tab
- Click Unlock
- Edit Package Name
- Select/Change Brand
- Select the date range
- Click View to see which reports are in this pack
- Click Manage to add or remove any reports from this pack
- Select the Output type (Default is Combined Report meaning every report is consolidated into a single PDF. If you select Individual Selected Reports a zipped folder will be produced containing all reports as separate PDFs. Selecting Export displays PDF, RTF/Word or CSV options)
- Option to include Index Page (Default is No)
- Option to select Cover Page Position (Default is 'Selected Order'
Common Settings Tab
This tab defines the common settings for the report package.
- Select to use Draft Watermark (Default is No)
- Select to use Report Header (Select Yes if you want to use your report logo on each page of this report pack)
- Select to use Page Footer (Default is No)
- Select to use Dollar Sign (Default is No)
- Select how to display any Negative amounts (Default is Brackets, the other option is to use Minus Sign)
- Select to display Rounding (Default is No)
- Select to not display Asset Codes (Default is Yes)
Reports Tab
This tab allows you to manage the reports within this package by either adding new reports or removing reports. All reports will automatically display
- Click on the Manage Reports button
- Use Search box and look for the report name or click on the report from the list and then click Add selected reports button (the report will then appear under Included Reports on the right hand side of the screen)
- Click on the X icon next to any report you want to remove
- Or click on any report you want to remove and then click the Remove selected reports button
- Click OK to save these changes to your report pack
This tab will show the status of the package being run. Note that the package will be stored in this tab for 30 Days only and the history is your own and does not show the history of this pack being run by any other user with access to this business.
To download and view click the download arrow icon:
New Report Package
This section details the process of building and compiling report packages.
Navigate to Business Level > Reports > New Report Package
- Enter a Description/Package Name (Default is New Report Package) Select a Brand if required (Default is no brand but you can restrict the package to a specific brand in the business) Select a Date Range (The pack will then by default run at this date range) Click Save
Click the Reports tab Click the Manage Reports button
Use Search box and look for the report name (or view the report list and manually select) Click the + icon next to the report to add it to your pack Click Ok to save the reports you've selected
If you wish to change the order of reports in the included reports list you can drag and drop them into place by clicking on the on icon the right hand side and moving them up and down accordingly
Once you have created (and saved) a report package you can clone it and rename it, which is useful for financial statements if you want to have a different package for each financial year.
Report Package History
After running a package the generated document will be stored for 30 days and can be accessed at a later point in time by clicking on the History tab.
The screen will only display reports generated by the current user. The results can be filtered by searching for or manually entering a specific report package.
You are not able to delete the list of historical reports that you have run. If you want to clear the list of historical reports you have run, you should clear your cache on your browser. The delete button will remove a report package template which cannot be restored so only click this if you want to remove a report template from the whole business.