This page will guide you through the process on amending a lodged PAYG Payment Summary electronically to the ATO from Class for the following payments:
Please note the following conditions:
- You can only use the PAYG lodgment and amendment functionality for PAYG Payment Summaries created in Class
- If you have previously lodged the PAYG outside of Class, then we recommend that you continue to do the amendment manually or use the previous lodgment channel (e.g. Tax Agent Portal)
- Amendment will normally be triggered due to changes in the pension drawdown events or deletion of lump sum events. It is always best practice to make changes to Business Events before the amendment and lodgment of PAYG Payment Summary details
Super Income Stream Amendment
Navigate to Fund Level > Periodic Processing > Browse PAYG Lodgments
To facilitate the status Amendment Required:
Type | Conditions for Amendment |
Event Required | Any existing pension drawdown events have been edited, deleted or new pension drawdown events processed for the relevant FY |
Lodgment Requirement | The PAYG Payment Summary - Superannuation Income Stream details have been lodged electronically to ATO in Class |
- The existing lodged PAYG Payment Summary status will change from Lodged Electronically to Amendment Required
- Select the event with the status Amendment Required, by clicking on the event
- Select Create Amendment. The system will automatically treat it as an Amendment.
You can also see the previous lodgment by clicking the link view previous lodgment
- Once an Amendment is created, you can Save, Cancel, Lodge or Print the Amendment.
Once the Amendment has been lodged, it will change its status to Amended Electronically.
Once the amended PAYG Payment Summary is lodged, you can view the new Lodgment ID and This is an AMENDED payment summary per the PAYG Payment Summary form
Clicking the menu icon , and selecting Ignore, will change the status will revert to Lodged Electronically. This is only recommended if you do not wish to lodge an amendment to the ATO.
Clicking on the menu icon , and selecting Mark as Amended will change the status to Amended Manually. This is only recommended if you have lodged the amendment outside of Class.
Super Lump Sum Amendment
Navigate to Fund Level > Periodic Processing > Browse PAYG Lodgments
The behaviour of Super Lump Sum Amendment is different with Super Income Stream Amendment
To facilitate the status Amendment Required:
Type | Conditions for Amendment |
Event Required | Any existing lump sum events or partial commutation (lump sum) events have been deleted. A new lump sum or partial commutation (lump sum) event has been created |
Lodgment Requirement | The PAYG Payment Summary - Superannuation Lump Sum details have been lodged electronically to ATO in Class |
- The existing lodged PAYG Payment Summary status will change from Lodged to Amendment Required
- A new row for PAYG Payment Summary- Lump Sum will be created with status Lodgment Required.
- For the existing PAYG Payment Summary- Lump Sum in step 1, you can click themenu icon to select Ignore or Mark as Amended.
On the new PAYG Payment Summary- Lump Sum in Step 2, you need to click the row, and manually change the question (Is this an amendment?) under Section B Payment Details to Yes.
Select Lodge, to electronically lodge the amended PAYG Lump Sum
Once the Amendment has been lodged, it will change its status to Amended Electronically.
Once the amended PAYG Payment Summary is lodged, you can view the new Lodgment ID and this is an Amended Payment Summary per the PAYG Payment Summary form.