This article will guide you through the process on setting up an unlisted security from the business level. This is useful for organisations with multiple entities that hold the same unlisted security, where the security can be revalued from the business level, thus flowing onto the entities holding the same investment.
The article will guide you through:
Setting up the Unlisted Investment
Navigate to Business Level > Investment > New Security
- Enter a Common Code, this should be a unique code
- Enter Description
- Select Currency
- Select Market Type
- Select Security Issue Type
- Click Save
Entering a Security Price (Revaluation)
Navigate to Business Level > Investment > Browse Security
- Using the Search field, enter the unlisted security code or name
- Select the security, by clicking the security
- Select the Security Issue Prices tab
- Select +Add
- Select Effective Date, per the following date format DD/MM/YYYY
- Select Price Type (Sell, NAV or ExDiv)
- Select Buy Price Currency, only relevant if you have selected 'Sell' as the Price Type
- Enter Buy Price, again only relevant if you have selected 'Sell' as the Price Type
- Select Price Currency
- Enter Price
- Select Terminating/Continuing. 'Terminating'- the allocation will only be active for the effective date entered, 'Continuing'- the allocation entered will be ongoing until such time that it is over ridden by another Security Issue Price entry
- Click Submit
What's Next?
Learn how to revalue unlisted securities from the fund/portfolio level.