Feature Summary
Daily Cash Data | Daily Trade Data | Foreign Trade Data | Daily Term Deposit Data | Account Holder Authority | Accepts Electronic signature | Adviser Authority | Tax Statements | History |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
N |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Configuration Process
Navigate to Fund Level > Feeds > Feeds Console > + New > New Broker/Platform Feed
- Enter the Hub24 account information as per the statement:
Field Name Field Description Example Account number It is the HUB24 account number.
Account Number: 211020192
Product Set to "HUB24"
- Ensure that you link existing holding accounts relating to this account under the Holding Accounts section by ticking each checkbox.
Transactions and Income related to holdings held within an SMA are included in the HUB24 data feed to Class on a consolidated basis.
As HUB24 allows flexibility in the selection of parcels to be sold, regardless of it being held within an SMA. Class does not create separate holdings for each SMA and instead consolidates holdings with the same security to ensure the same level of flexibility can be applied when selecting how the parcels are to be sold.
If all accounts are not linked, the system will create duplicate accounts for each existing holding that was not linked. The resulting duplication can be challenging to correct.
Authority Process
Account Holder Authority
Adviser Authority
- In the Data Source section, click the "Generate" button. The authority form will be generated.
- Print the Authority Form. Arrange for the account holder to complete "Authorised Signatories" section of the form to fill in the date, name and signature in wet ink.
- Click the "Upload" button to upload the authority form. The status of the feed will update to "Waiting on Provider"
- Send the signed form to:
Email: admin@HUB24.com.au
- In the HUB24 Adviser site, navigate to Settings per the ‘Tool Bar’ and select Adviser - then Setup EPI login
You will be notified if a login has previously been provided.
- In the HUB24 Adviser site, navigate to Settings per the ‘Tool Bar’ and select Adviser - then Setup EPI login.
- In the HUB24 Adviser site, navigate to Settings per the ‘Tool Bar’ and select Adviser - then Setup EPI login.
EPI Password will not show fully as the screen pops up. For the EPI password to display fully, the adviser will need to enter the AdviserHUB login password and click "Show EPI Password."
The adviser will have an option to either "Create New EPI Password" or "Revoke EPI Password" (if there is an existing EPI Password previously).
- Under Configuration set up in Class, select the adviser from the drop-down.
If the adviser code has not been entered, refer to How to enter Adviser Authorities in Class to add the adviser code. If setting up a new adviser or changing existing credentials, Use HUB24 epi4.3 and not HUB24.
- Change the status of the feed to "Waiting on Provider"
Note: The data is expected to start loading automatically within ten business days.
Symbol | Description |
Supported |
Not supported by Class |
Not supported by Provider |