This article helps to understand what the Fit to Cash function is and how to match them when they appear in the Match Transaction Screen. This functionality allows you to match a business event to a cash event when the amount is different by up to $1.00. It is generally used for distributions paid by managed funds where small differences can arise between the declared distributions and actual distribution paid due to rounding differences.
For the Fit To Cash button to appear the following conditions will need to be met:
- Income event relates to an Australian investment (not foreign)
- Income received in an Australian bank account
- Income event was created either through the generate income button or automated or manual feeds
Once the income is generated select the cash and business event and Fit To Cash will appear next to the clear button if the difference is $1.00 or less.
The business event will be automatically adjusted to equal the amount of cash received.
What's Next?
Learn how to process Fit to Tax