In this article you will learn how to to order Title Searches and upload them into our Document Management System for a Fund.
The Property Title Search feature is designed to help you order Title Searches and upload them to the Document Management System in Class, allowing you to order and store your Title Certificates for audits within Class. This feature is only available at the entity level.
Entering in your Title Reference
Title searches must be purchased with a Title Reference number. If you do not know your Title Reference, please refer to the FAQ to find where you can look up the Title Reference for your property.
Navigate to Fund Level > Investments > Browse Holding Accounts
- Select the Property you wish to order a Title Search for, by selecting the Holding Account.
- Click Title Searches.
- Enter in the Title Reference for your Property, then click on Save.
Ensure you have the correct Title Reference for the property. When purchasing a Title Reference, our provider will not validate the Title Reference matches the address of your property, and you may be required to purchase another Title Search with the correct Title Reference.
Order a Title Search
- Ensure you have entered in your Title Reference, then click Request.
- After you have reviewed the Fee details for the Title Search, click the checkbox confirming you acknowledge you are making a purchase for Title Search.
- Click Place title order.
- You will be redirected to the Property Title Search screen with your order placed, which will be a Pending state whilst it is being processed.
- Once your order has been processed by our provider, the status will update to Complete and you will be able to view the document in our Document Management System by clicking View.
How much does it cost to purchase a Title Search?
The cost varies from State to State and is displayed when the user agrees to purchase the Title Reference. Below are the current fees which are charged for each state:
State | Fee (Excluding GST) | GST | Fee (Including GST) |
NSW Title | $17.87 | $1.79 | $19.66 |
VIC Title | $13.76 | $1.38 | $15.14 |
QLD Title | $24.06 | $2.41 | $26.47 |
WA Title | $33.77 | $3.38 | $37.15 |
ACT Title | $36.58 | $3.66 | $40.24 |
SA Title | $44.06 | $4.41 | $48.47 |
NT Title | $38.68 | $3.87 | $42.55 |
TAS Title | $39.08 | $3.91 | $42.99 |
How will I be billed for the purchase of a property Title Search?
Class will include the cost of any Title Searches which were ordered in your monthly invoice.
I tried to enter in my Title Reference, but it will not let me save.
Title References can only contain alphanumeric characters, spaces, hyphens (-) and forward slashes (/). Please check the Title Reference you entered has only valid characters.