This live report shows a full list of the chart of accounts used by the fund and all items posted to it for any given period. It also allows you to drill down on any headings or links to see business events associated with that chart for that period.
Navigate to Fund level > Reports > Account Postings
- Select the Date Range (Default is the current financial year)
- Apply button (If you select an alternate date range or comparative date you need to click Apply to affect the changes)
- Option to print the Report (Current View meaning only the expanded fields as they appear on the screen will be printed)
- Export (Options are CSV or Word)
- Details (Each section has Details link that you can click on to drill down and see the business events posted to this chart)
- Click on any Heading under the Chart of Accounts column, e.g. Assets, Receivables and so on and this will focus the report just to the information for that header.
What's Next?
Learn more about the different types of single reports by looking at Reports Overview