This article shows how you can mark a TBAR file as lodged in Class. This functionality allows you to keep track of TBAR lodgment and will prevent a lodged file from being accidentally deleted in Class.
As the lodgement process for TBAR files requires you to lodge the file on the Tax Agent Portal, you will need to mark files as lodged. You will have a historical record lodgement dates with the ATO reference number once complete.
Navigate to Business Level > Periodic Processing > TBAR Console > Files
- Click on the Files tab
- Click on the menu icon
- Select Mark as Lodged
- Enter the date file was lodged with the ATO
- Enter the ATO reference number
- Click Mark as Lodged
The date and reference number will be displayed on both the business level and fund level TBAR consoles.
How to undo Mark as Lodged Status
Navigate to Business Level > Periodic Processing > TBAR Console > Files
Once a file is marked as lodged, the file will lock from being deleted. If you really need to delete the file follow these steps.
- Click on the menu icon on the relevant TBAR file
- Click on 'Undo Mark As Lodged' to unlock the file
Once the file is unlocked, you can then delete it by selecting 'Delete' from the menu icon.