The Contribution History tab is where you can enter the historical concessional and non-concessional contributions of a member, for the purpose of keeping track of the Unused Concessional Contribution Cap Carry Forward and the Bring Forward Rule arrangement amounts.
This tab is applicable to SMSFs only.
The loader will automatically populate the relevant financial year based on the book closed date recorded on the Opening Balances Tab.
For Concessional Contributions
Click on the Contribution History tab and record the concessional contributions reported to the ATO for the relevant financial year. Note that the earliest possible financial year you can enter is 2018-19FY.
Do not include the Excess Concessional Contributions amounts.
For Non-Concessional Contributions
The Bring Forward Rule status will be automatically calculated based on the member's age and the non-concessional contributions recorded on the loader.
You don't need to record the historical non-concessional contributions if the bring-forward rule wasn't triggered, the bring forward rule status will be defaulted to Not Triggered.
Status | Definition |
Unavailable | Member is unable to trigger bring forward rule due to the age restriction. |
Not Triggered | Bring forward rule wasn't triggered, or no non-concessional contributions is recorded. |
Was triggered in Year 1 | Bring forward rule was triggered in the earlier financial year and both year 1 and year 2 amounts will be counted for the bring forward period. |
Was triggered in Year 2 | Bring forward rule was triggered in the later financial year. Only the year 2 amount will be counted for the bring forward period. |
This information will be submitted to the Contribution Cap on Class as part of the Submit Opening Balances and automatically updates the Prior Year Contributions section on Class.
Next Step
Return to the Overview Tab to load your data to Class.