Audit Engagement Letter
Generates an Engagement Letter including expected Audit Fee, and the auditors responsibilities. Runs for a selected Financial Year.
- Select the desired Output Format using the radio button
- Last Period Update End Date pre-filled text which shows when the last period update was run
- Period select the period covered for this report
- Date of Letter enter the date that will reflect in the letter
- Expected Audit Fee enter the amount of the expected audit fee
- Note editing this section will over-ride the report defaults. To revert back to the defaults, click the Clear button.
- Report Header selecting 'Yes' will turn on the report header logo
- Draft Watermark selecting 'Yes' will turn on a draft watermark on each page.
- Page Footer / Number option to either display both a page footer with date and time stamp, page numbers only or leave blank
Audit Planning Memo
Provides a summarised planning memo where the user can set the materiality limits that were used for both the Current Year and Previous Year. Runs for a selected Financial Year.
- Select the desired Output Format using the radio button
- Last Period Update End Date pre-filled text which shows when the last period update was run
- Period select the period covered for this report
- Current Year ML Used select the materiality limit that will show as ML Used under the CY ML column. Defaults to $0.00 if not changed
- Previous Year ML Used select the materiality limit that will show as ML Used under the PY ML column. Defaults to $0.00 if not changed
- Note editing this section will over-ride the report defaults. To revert back to the defaults, click the Clear button
- Report Header Logo selecting 'Yes' will turn on the report header logo
- Draft Watermark selecting 'Yes' will turn on a draft watermark on each page.
- Page Footer / Number option to either display both a page footer with date and time stamp, page numbers only or leave blank
Audit Representation Letter
Produces a letter from the Trustees of the fund to the Auditor for client representation. Runs for a selected Financial Year.
- Select the desired Output Format using the radio button
- Last Period Update End Date pre-filled text which shows when the last period update was run
- Period select the period covered for this report
- Date of Letter enter the date that will reflect in the letter
- Note editing this section will over-ride the report defaults. To revert back to the defaults, click the Clear button
- Report Header selecting 'Yes' will turn on the report header logo
- Draft Watermark selecting 'Yes' will turn on a draft watermark on each page.
- Page Footer / Number option to either display both a page footer with date and time stamp, page numbers only or leave blank
Audit Workpapers
This report provides a comprehensive lead schedule and account worksheets for fund audit purposes. Runs for the Financial Year of a specified Date.
- Select the desired Output Format using the radio button
- Last Period Update End Date shows when the last period update was run
- As At Date the date that the report is required for e.g. 30/06/2019
- Report Header selecting 'Yes' will turn on the report header logo
- Draft Watermark selecting 'Yes' will turn on a draft watermark on each page.
- Dollar Sign selecting 'Yes' will display a '$' in the report
- Negative Amount option to display negative amounts with brackets or a minus sign
- Page Footer / Number option to either display both a page footer with date and time stamp, page numbers only or leave blank