Centrelink Schedule Data
Generates the data required to complete a Centrelink / DVA Schedule for each pension in the fund. Runs 'as at' a specified date.
- Select the desired Output Format using the radio button
- Last Period Update End Date shows when the last period update was run
- The Date that the report is required for e.g. 30/06/2019
- Report Header selecting 'Yes' will turn on the report header logo
- Draft Watermark selecting 'Yes' will turn on a draft watermark on each page
- Dollar Sign selecting 'Yes' will display a '$' in the report
- Rounding selecting 'Yes' will display rounding
- Page Number / Footer option to either display both a page footer with date and time stamp, page numbers only or leave blank
Contribution Cap Report
This report provides detailed information on member contributions for a given financial year.
- Select the desired Output Format using the radio button
- Last Period Update End Date pre-filled text which shows when the last period update was run
- Financial Year select the period covered for this report
- Summary option to select a summarised version of the report
- Report Header selecting 'Yes' will turn on the report header logo
- Draft Watermark selecting 'Yes' will turn on a draft watermark on each page
- Dollar Sign selecting 'Yes' will display a '$' in the report
- Rounding selecting 'Yes' will display rounding
- Negative Amounts option to display negative amounts with brackets or a minus sign
- Include SMSF DataFlow options to include the contribution events created by the superstream provider SMSF DataFlow
- Page Footer / Number option to either display both a page footer with date and time stamp, page numbers only or leave blank
Member Statement
Provides member benefit balances as well as showing net movements in the member accounts. Runs for a specified Start and End date.
The footer of the Member Statement shows a For Enquiries section. Please note that this information is pulled from the contact that has been set as the Administrator under fund relationships. If no Administrator is present it will default to the fund's details.
- Select the desired Output Format using the radio button
- Last Period Update End Date shows when the last period update was run
- Enter the Start Date and End Date for the report
- View Short Form a short version can be printed
- Consolidated Member Components the members consolidated components can be hidden if required
- Signing Page the signing page can be turned off
- Include Investment Return option to show or hide the investment return
- Report Header Logo selecting 'Yes' will turn on the report header logo
- Draft Watermark selecting 'Yes' will turn on a draft watermark on each page
- Dollar Sign selecting 'Yes' will display a '$' in the report
- Rounding selecting 'Yes' will display rounding
- Negative Amount option to display negative amounts with brackets or a minus sign
- Page Number / Footer option to either display both a page footer with date and time stamp, page numbers only or leave blank
- Hide Contact Details allows you to hide or show the 'For Enquires' footer
Member Summary Report
Provides a summary of all member accounts within the fund over a selected period.
- Select the desired Output Format using the radio button
- Last Period Update End Date pre-filled text which shows when the last period update was run
- Start Date and End Date select the period covered for this report
- Report Header Logo selecting 'Yes' will turn on the report header logo
- Draft Watermark selecting 'Yes' will turn on a draft watermark on each page
- Dollar Sign selecting 'Yes' will display a '$' in the report
- Rounding selecting 'Yes' will display rounding
- Negative Amounts option to display negative amounts with brackets or a minus sign
- Page Footer / Number option to either display both a page footer with date and time stamp, page numbers only or leave blank
Learn how to update the "For Enquiries" section on the Member Statement for a fund
Member Transaction Detail Report
Provides a complete per transactions listing of changes to member accounts including the effect of those transactions on Tax and Preservation components.
- Select the desired Output Format using the radio button
- Last Period Update End Date pre-filled text which shows when the last period update was run
- Start Date and End Date select the period covered for this report
- Report Header selecting 'Yes' will turn on the report header logo
- Draft Watermark selecting 'Yes' will turn on a draft watermark on each page
- Dollar Sign selecting 'Yes' will display a '$' in the report
- Rounding selecting 'Yes' will display rounding
- Negative Accounts option to display negative amounts with brackets or a minus sign
- Page Footer / Number option to either display both a page footer with date and time stamp, page numbers only or leave blank
Pension Limit Report
- Select the desired Output Format using the radio button
- Last Period Update End Date pre-filled text which shows when the last period update was run
- Financial Year select the period covered for this report
- Summary report can be summarised
- Report Header selecting 'Yes' will turn on the report header logo
- Draft Watermark selecting 'Yes' will turn on a draft watermark on each page
- Dollar Sign selecting 'Yes' will display a '$' in the report
- Rounding selecting 'Yes' will display rounding
- Negative Amounts option to display negative amounts with brackets or a minus sign
- Page Footer / Number option to either display both a page footer with date and time stamp, page numbers only or leave blank
s290-170 - Acceptance Minute/Resolution
A letter acknowledging receipt of a S290-170 notice. Runs for a specified Financial Year.
- Select the desired Output Format using the radio button
- Last Period Update End Date pre-filled text which shows when the last period update was run
- Financial Year select the period covered for this report
- Minute or Resolution select whether you want the report to be either a minute or resolution
- Meeting Date enter the date at which the meeting was held. This will default to show a blank date
- Meeting Address enter the Address at which the meeting is to be held if different from the fund address
- Meeting Note extra details of the meeting can be added by clicking Edit Note Content..
- Report Header selecting 'Yes' will turn on the report header logo
- Draft Watermark selecting 'Yes' will turn on a draft watermark on each page.
- Dollar Sign selecting 'Yes' will display a '$' in the report
- Page Footer / Number option to either display both a page footer with date and time stamp, page numbers only or leave blank
- Signature option to choose a chairperson or all trustees to sign the minute
s290-170 - Acknowledgement Letter
A letter acknowledging receipt of a S290-170 notice. Runs for a specified Financial Year.
- Select the desired Output Format using the radio button
- Last Minute Update End Date pre-filled text which shows when the last period update was run
- Date of Letter enter the date letter was sent
- Date of Notice enter the date of notice
- Financial Year select the required financial year
- Letter Note note can be added this will create a last paragraph in your own words
- Header Logo selecting 'Yes' will turn on the report header logo
- Draft Watermark selecting 'Yes' will turn on a draft watermark on each page.
- Dollar Sign Selecting 'Yes' will display a '$' in the report
- Page Footer / Number option to either display both a page footer with date and time stamp, page numbers only or leave blank
s290-170 - Notice of Intent to Claim
A notice from members notifying the fund that they intend to claim a deduction. Runs for a specified Financial Year.
- Select the desired Output Format using the radio button
- Last Period Update End Date pre-filled text which shows when the last period update was run
- Date of Letter enter the date letter was sent
- Financial Year for which the claim is for
- Suppress TFNs selecting “Yes” will mask TFN
- Variation select "yes" if this is to amend a previous notice
- Report Header Logo selecting 'Yes' will turn on the report header logo
- Draft Watermark selecting 'Yes' will turn on a draft watermark on each page.
- Dollar Sign selecting 'Yes' will display a '$' in the report
- Page Footer / Number option to either display both a page footer with date and time stamp, page numbers only or leave blank
Bulk Lump Sum Payment Reports
A combined report for all the cash lump sum withdrawals in a fund. The report includes all cash withdrawals from the provided date range in a fund. The report can also include the Request letter, Minutes/Resolution, and the Confirmation letter.
Due to the bulk nature of the reports the date for all the letters will default to the payment transaction date.
- Select the desired Output Format using the radio button
- Last Period Update End Date pre-filled text which shows when the last period update was run
- Start Date enter the start date based on the payment date range
- End Date enter the end date based on the payment date range
- Print Request Letter selecting this as Yes would print the request letter, letter date will be based on payment date of the transaction
- Letter Note click 'Edit Note Contents..' to be able to add additional note to the request letter
- Print Minute/Resolution selecting this as Yes would include the resolution/minute details in the report, date will be based on payment date of the transaction
- Minute Or Resolution select the appropriate option from Minute and Resolution
- Meeting Address enter the address of the meeting to be added to minute/resolution output
- Minute Note click 'Edit Note Contents..' to be able to add additional note to the minute/resolution
- Print Confirmation Letter selecting this as Yes would print the confirmation letter, letter date will be based on payment date
- Confirmation Note click 'Edit Note Contents..' to be able to add additional note to the confirmation letter
- Report Header selecting 'Yes' will turn on the report header
- Draft Watermark selecting 'Yes' will turn on a draft watermark on each page.
- Page Footer / Number option to either display both a page footer with date and time stamp, page numbers only or leave blank
- Signature select the appropriate signatory from the options Chairperson and All Trustee
Work Test Declaration
Work test declaration letter is generated for the members aged between 65 (before FY 21) / 67 (FY 21 onwards) and 75 who made either concessional or non-concessional contribution during the selected FY.
- Select the desired Output Format using the radio button
- Last Period Update End Date pre-filled text which shows when the last period update was run
- Financial Year select the required financial year for which the declaration is required
- Date of Letter date to be printed on the letter
- Page Footer / Number option to either display both a page footer with date and time stamp, page numbers only, or leave blank