How to change the tax-deductible category for a fund income/expense, for example, a non-deductible fund expense and a non-assessable fund income in the fund.
To resolve this issue, you can change the tax-deductible category in the particular fund income/expense business event by using "Fund override" in the Tax Assessable field.
For a fund income
Navigate to Fund Level > Transactions > Fund Income> Fund General Income
- Select the income type
- Enter income date, amount, and description as required
- Click on "override" link for Tax Assessable field
- Select "Yes" or "No" as required
- Submit the income event
For the Fund Expense
Navigate to Fund Level > Transactions > Fund Expense > Fund General Expense
- Select the expense type
- Enter the fee date, amount and description as required
- Click on "override" link for Tax Deductible field
- Select "Yes" or "No" as required
- Submit the expense event