When lodging your TBAR file you may encounter some validation errors in Class. An explanation of these error messages and troubleshooting is detailed below.
To view the errors you will first need to download the file that was generated in Class.
Navigate to Business Level > Periodic Processing > TBAR Console > Files
- Click on the Radio Button next to the errored file
- Select 'Download ATO File'
These are validation errors that will appear in Class only. If you encounter other validation errors when you lodge the file on the Tax Agent Portal please contact the ATO.
If there is an error within a specific field the error message will be displayed in the excel report. Here is an example of what the report looks like:
1. Tax agents can't have a space in their email address
This means there is a space in the tax agents email address. To resolve check Tax Agents email address and remove any spaces (Contacts > tax agent, Details tab).
2. Tax agents ABN must be provided
This means the Tax Agent's ABN is missing. To resolve add the Tax Agents ABN (Contacts > Tax Agent, Details tab).
3. Tax agents contact phone number must be provided
This means the Tax Agent's phone number is missing. To resolve add the Tax Agents phone number (Contacts > Tax Agent, Details tab).
4. Tax Agent's address state should be abbreviated like ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC, WA.
This means the Tax Agent's address has the state incorrectly recorded. To resolve correct the Tax Agent's address by typing the state in the following format ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC, WA. (Contacts > Tax Agent, Addresses tab).
5. State is too long, eg: New South Wales
This means the Tax Agent's address has the state incorrectly recorded. To correct the Tax Agent's address by typing the state in the following format ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC, WA. (Contacts > Tax Agent, Addresses tab).
6. Local tax agents can't have phone numbers that start with 00
The tax agent's phone number can't start with 00. To correct the Tax Agent's number and remove the 00 (Contacts > tax agent, Details tab)
7. Email address for the Tax Agent is invalid
This means the tax agent's email address isn't using a valid format. To correct check the tax agent's email address and make sure it's in a valid format X@X.com.au (Contacts > tax agent, Details tab)
8. Fund name should not contain two or more spaces between words
There is too much spacing in the Fund name. To correct check the Fund name and remove the extra spacing (Fund > Fund Details, click edit to edit the name)
9. Tax agents phone number can't start with 02 or 04 if they have an international address
The tax agent's phone number has incorrect numbers at the start. To correct check the tax agents phone number and remove any 02 or 04 at the beginning (Contacts > tax agent, Details tab)
10. Is required, can't start with whitespace
This means that the information is missing and the information is compulsory for TBAR lodgment. To correct enter the correct information into the relevant field in Class
11. Is not a valid date
The format for the date isn't valid. To correct check the date and make sure it's in a valid format.
12. Is not a valid number
The format for the number isn't valid. To correct check the number of the event value and make sure it's in a valid format.