In this article, we will guide you through the Data Feeds. It is recommended that you complete the Key Learning Modules and refer to the Key learning Articles for more guidance and steps.
Class now offers over 200+ Data Feeds, below are the different types of supported feeds;
- Institutional Data Feeds (Including Banks, Brokers & Platforms)
- Market Data Feeds (Including Daily Price Sources & SMSF-Data Flow)
- Foreign Currencies (Supported Foreign Feeds)
- Foreign Markets (Supported Foreign Markets)
There is only a requirement for you to set up Institutional Data Feeds which provide you with daily transactions and closing balances for all investments. Most of the time when the user guide refers to Data Feeds it is specifically these feeds. This is because the other data feeds (2,3,4 above) do not require you to do anything to get them set up and they automatically flow through to your funds and portfolios on a daily basis.
In this article we will show you:
Key Learning Modules
The Key learning Modules are listed in the below table and what you learn.
You will need to complete the Class Fundamentals Course in order to progress to any other courses within the training centre.
Module Name | What this Module Covers |
Class Data Feeds |
Key learning Articles
Links to recommended articles for this section
Article | What's in this article |
The article explains data feeds using diagrams and teaches the difference between authorities;
This article will give you access to all data feeds and their features at a glance, you can also understand the activation process for each provider. |
Get your Bank Feeds Activated |
Get your Broker/Platform Feeds activated |
Uploading Feed Authority Forms | Upload your Signed Authority Form |
How to enter Adviser Authorities in Class | Adviser Authority Set-up |
More Resources
Best Practices: Learn More about Best Practice by reviewing the Best Practice Processing article.
Webinar: We have two really informative Webinars on the Data Feeds
What's Next?
Check out the next step 6 - Best Practice Processing to learn all the steps to getting started with Processing, Best Practices and Download some detailed checklists.