Funds can be easily transitioned or moved from one Business (outgoing administrator) within Class to another Business (incoming administrator) using the Fund Transfer Data report.
Fund Transfer Data report contains
What you get
What you don't get
Fund reference details
(excel loader)
- Fund details: Fund name, fund code, ABN, TFN
- Trustee details: Corporate or individual trustee name, contact
- Member's detail: Names, DOB, fund join date, service start date, pension and accumulation accounts
- Investment account
- Bank account details
- Fund relationships such as fund Tax Agent, Auditors, Advisor etc
- Member’s beneficiary details, prior year contribution cap or transition records
- Asset strategy information
- 30 June operating statement closing balance
- Data feed reference holding account and configurations
- Fund documents including feeds authority forms or reports
- Any depreciation schedules
Fund Opening Balance
(excel loader)
Closing position of current year to be loaded as opening position into your new business.
For example, it will bring the closing balance as at 30 June 2015 of 2014-2015 FY, to be loaded as opening position for 2015-2016 FY
- Historical information from previous financial years, ie if the loader is for closing position of 2014-2015 FY, no data earlier than 1 July 2015 will come across
- Information that could identify the current business (outgoing Administrator) or any of their related parties.
- Correct opening balance if period updates has NOT been completed and finalised for the closing Financial Year.
TBAR history
(excel loader)
TBAR records that are marked as adjustment, generated or lodged. |
- TBAR records have an 'initial' status.
Fund Transactions post-closing position
(excel transaction loader)
Any cash transactions and trade transactions in the fund within the financial year after the closing position. For example, if Fund Transfer Data is generated for closing balance of 2014-2015 FY, the transaction loader will contain transactions from 1 July 2015 to 30 June 2016 that outgoing Administrator has already loaded into the fund
- Transaction before 30 June closing position or any transaction post 30 June current FY. For example for closing position of 2014-2015 FY, no transaction earlier than 1 July 2015 will come across, and no transaction after 30 June 2016 will come across.
- Post 30 June closing position processing (transaction matching) completed by outgoing administrator such as entries of Tax statements, allocations of contributions or corporate actions
- Transaction rules, business and income events other than trade transactions
- Any property depreciation schedules