When using the New Fund Wizard to establish a fund in Class, an error occurs when clicking on Send.
This may be caused by various data entry issues.
To resolve this issue you need to review the entered data.
- Review data entered in New Fund Wizard and remove any spaces or trailing spaces.
- Ensure phone number is valid. Only two digits are permitted for area code, for example, for mobile, area code should be 04, not 0430
- Ensure Fund ABN has 11 digits
An ABN is not mandatory for the Fund Wizard, so it may be omitted, and entered once the fund has been successfully added.
In circumstances where the Mailing Address entered is different to the Physical Address, Class can generate an error when submitting the Fund Wizard.
As a workaround, remove the Mailing Address, submit the Fund Wizard, then enter the Mailing Address back after the fund has been successfully added.