An increasing number of BT Panorama platform portfolios contain a separately managed account (SMA) within the overall wrap. In some cases, there will be multiple SMA's within the portfolio.
By default, Class does not support the loading of data for these SMA's but the functionality to support the loading of such data can be enabled upon request by Class businesses.
Class refers to this functionality as a 'feature switch."
Class has not enabled the functionality across the board because of the negative impact this can have on individual businesses because Class can only implement the feature switch at a Business level. This means if switched on this will result in all Panorama portfolios in your Businesses that contain an SMA account will all start loading data for these SMA's
There is a risk of duplicated data if you were previously accounting for these SMAs manually or were using a custom holding account to record it on an aggregate basis
Once enabled, there is a need to request a refresh of data for the account. It is also critical that you have access to reports as their likely to be some level of manual processing to get everything up to date. How much work depends on the circumstances, but the critical thing is that you need to be sure you can access current year reports to complete the setup.
All Panorama feed accounts display a Managed account code field, but it is non-functional unless
1 The feature switch is enabled for a given Business and
2. The account has an SMA
If you wish to proceed, then please have an access controller log a support ticket with Class, and we will . enable the feature switch in your Business.