How to update a Class user's existing email login with a new email?
This page applies only to the Access Controller
There are two ways this can be done:
Option 1: From the Business Contact screen
Option 2: From the Maintain User screen
Option 1: From the Business Contact screen
- Revoke your existing user login in Class under the Roles tab.
- Update email address in contact details section under Details tab
- Click Save.
- Send invitation via the Roles tab. The user will receive the invitation email where they can set up their password and MFA for the new login.
Option 2: From the Maintain User screen
- Keep your existing login and do not revoke
- Create new user via Maintain User screen with your updated email
- Accept the email invitation and set up your new password and MFA
By creating a new user, Class will allow you to keep the processing history for the old user login.