What should I be aware of when preparing quarterly Operating Statements?
The following should be noted when preparing Quarterly Operating Statements:
- Run Period Updates for the current and previous quarter in order to have unrealised gains credited to the correct period. You can run period updates for the end of each quarter from the start of the financial year. e.g. 30th Sep, 31st Dec & 31st Mar to ensure your March Quarter reports are correct.
- The Statement of Financial Position can be run as at the end date of the period but the notes to the Financial Statements are not applicable for quarterly reports.
You should not select the 'show note numbers' when you run Quarterly Operating Statements.
- You can show a comparison to the previous quarter in both the Dynamic Reports and Report Manager. The Dynamic Reports also allow you to compare to the "Same period last year" but the Report Manager does not currently support this option.
Refer to our User Guide for more information on the Operating Statement and Period Update.