ATO Validations
The following is a list of error messages that may be received when validating a form with the ATO.
Rule ID |
ATO Error Code |
ATO Error Description |
VR.ATO.GEN.000209 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430296 | Invalid context. The number of Reporting party contexts must equal 1 |
VR.ATO.GEN.000227 | CMN.ATO.GEN.436280 | Invalid context. The number of Intermediary contexts must not exceed 1 |
VR.ATO.GEN.001023 | CMN.ATO.GEN.001023 | Unexpected TFN mismatch with Reporting Party |
VR.ATO.GEN.428016 | CMN.ATO.GEN.428016 | Tax File Number has failed the algorithm check |
VR.ATO.GEN.428253 | CMN.ATO.GEN.200011 | Invalid ABN |
VR.ATO.GEN.430008 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430008 | The Family Trust TFN on the IEE must not be the same as the main entity TFN |
VR.ATO.GEN.430258 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430258 | Invalid context. The number of Reporting party: Primary Production contexts must not exceed 1 |
VR.ATO.GEN.430259 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430259 | Invalid context. The number of Reporting party: Non-Primary Production contexts must not exceed 1 |
VR.ATO.GEN.430266 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430266 | Invalid context. The number of Reporting party: Australian contexts must not exceed 1 |
VR.ATO.GEN.430267 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430267 | Invalid context. The number of Reporting party: Foreign contexts must not exceed 1 |
VR.ATO.GEN.430269 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430269 | Invalid context. The number of Reporting party: Primary: Australian contexts must not exceed 1 |
VR.ATO.GEN.430270 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430270 | Invalid context. The number of Reporting party: Non-Primary: Australian contexts must not exceed 1 |
VR.ATO.GEN.430273 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430273 | Invalid context. The number of Reporting party: ListedCountry: Foreign contexts must not exceed 1 |
VR.ATO.GEN.430275 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430275 | Invalid context. The number of Reporting party: UnlistedCountry: Foreign contexts must not exceed 1 |
VR.ATO.GEN.430279 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430279 | Invalid context. The number of Reporting Party Instant: Opening contexts must not exceed 1 |
VR.ATO.GEN.430280 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430280 | Invalid context. The number of Reporting Party Instant: Closing contexts must not exceed 1 |
VR.ATO.GEN.430302 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430302 | Invalid context. The number of Reporting party: TOFA contexts must not exceed 1 |
VR.ATO.GEN.438029 | CMN.ATO.GEN.438029 | Entity identifier scheme for ReportingParty must be "" |
VR.ATO.GEN.438030 | CMN.ATO.GEN.438030 | Entity identifier scheme for Intermediary must be "" |
VR.ATO.GEN.438051 | CMN.ATO.GEN.438051 | Date of opening balance must match with the start date of Reporting period |
VR.ATO.GEN.438052 | CMN.ATO.GEN.438052 | Date of closing balance must match with the end date of Reporting period |
VR.ATO.GEN.438053 | CMN.ATO.GEN.438053 | Period start date must match Reporting Party period start date |
VR.ATO.GEN.438054 | CMN.ATO.GEN.438054 | Period end date must match Reporting Party period end date |
VR.ATO.GEN.438058 | CMN.ATO.GEN.438058 | Invalid context. The number of Reporting party: Investor contexts must not exceed 1. |
VR.ATO.GEN.438059 | CMN.ATO.GEN.438059 | Invalid context. The number of Reporting party: Limited Partners contexts must not exceed 1. |
VR.ATO.GEN.438081 | CMN.ATO.GEN.438081 | Invalid context. The number of Reporting party:Investor:YPrevious contexts must not exceed 1. |
VR.ATO.GEN.438082 | CMN.ATO.GEN.438082 | Invalid context. The number of Reporting party:Limited Partners:YPrevious contexts must not exceed 1. |
VR.ATO.TRT.432560 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432560 | Invalid context. The number of Reporting Party Closing contexts must not exceed 1 |
VR.ATO.TRT.432562 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432562 | Period start date must be prior to Period end date |
VR.ATO.TRT.432696 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432696 | Invalid context. The number of Reporting party:LowCost contexts must not exceed 1 |
VR.ATO.TRT.432697 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432697 | Invalid context. The number of Reporting party:GeneralPool contexts must not exceed 1 |
VR.ATO.TRT.432833 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432833 | Invalid context. The number of Reporting party: Share: Primary Production contexts must not exceed 1 |
VR.ATO.TRT.432834 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432834 | Invalid context. The number of Reporting party: Share: Non-Primary Production contexts must not exceed 1 |
VR.ATO.TRT.432594 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432594 | Client's reference must not exceed 12 characters in length |
VR.ATO.GEN.428247 | CMN.ATO.GEN.410009 | The Tax Agent number has failed the Tax Agent number algorithm check |
VR.ATO.GEN.438061 | CMN.ATO.GEN.438061 | Declaration statement type code is required. |
VR.ATO.GEN.438063 | CMN.ATO.GEN.438063 | Declaration statement accepted indicator is required. |
VR.ATO.GEN.430255 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430255 | Signature date must not be later than today |
VR.ATO.GEN.438067 | CMN.ATO.GEN.438067 | Declaration signature date is required. |
VR.ATO.GEN.438065 | CMN.ATO.GEN.438065 | Declaration signatory identifier is required. |
VR.ATO.GEN.436279 | CMN.ATO.GEN.436279 | Declaration name must have a usage code of 'DeclarationSignatory' |
VR.ATO.GEN.408010 | CMN.ATO.GEN.408010 | Name field cannot contain 'space hyphen space'. |
VR.ATO.GEN.430252 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430252 | Unstructured name must not be more than 200 characters |
VR.ATO.GEN.438035 | CMN.ATO.GEN.438035 | Unstructured name must not contain invalid characters ~ ^ < > + , * |
VR.ATO.GEN.500130 | CMN.ATO.GEN.500130 | Person unstructured name must be provided. |
VR.ATO.GEN.438080 | CMN.ATO.GEN.438080 | Intermediary contact name must have a Usage code of 'Contact' |
VR.ATO.GEN.408010 | CMN.ATO.GEN.408010 | Name field cannot contain 'space hyphen space'. |
VR.ATO.GEN.430252 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430252 | Unstructured name must not be more than 200 characters |
VR.ATO.GEN.438035 | CMN.ATO.GEN.438035 | Unstructured name must not contain invalid characters ~ ^ < > + , * |
VR.ATO.GEN.500130 | CMN.ATO.GEN.500130 | Person unstructured name must be provided. |
VR.ATO.TRT.432573 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432573 | Contact name must not exceed 200 characters in length |
VR.ATO.TRT.432572 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432572 | Telephone must include area code for landline numbers. |
VR.ATO.GEN.500131 | CMN.ATO.GEN.500131 | Telephone must include usage code '03' and service line code '01' or '02'. |
VR.ATO.TRT.432011 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430176 | Year of revocation must be the same as the year of the return |
VR.ATO.TRT.432367 | CMN.ATO.GEN.001001 | Mandatory field not supplied |
VR.ATO.TRT.432731 | CMN.ATO.GEN.500127 | Year of return is invalid |
VR.ATO.GEN.434223 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000477 | ABN is invalid |
VR.ATO.GEN.010028 | CMN.ATO.GEN.010028 | If the return is an amendment, sequence number, type and reason must be present |
VR.ATO.GEN.010029 | CMN.ATO.GEN.010029 | If the return is an amendment, Amendment Indicator must be 'yes' (true) |
VR.ATO.GEN.010030 | CMN.ATO.GEN.010030 | Amendment sequence number must be a number between 1 and 9 |
VR.ATO.GEN.410038 | CMN.ATO.GEN.410038 | Non-individual name field cannot start with 'T/A' and end with 'Pship', 'P'ship or 'P/Ship' |
VR.ATO.GEN.410039 | CMN.ATO.GEN.410039 | Organisation name must contain at least one alpha or numeric character |
VR.ATO.GEN.428258 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000413 | Non Individual Name cannot contain space hyphen space combinations |
VR.ATO.GEN.428259 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000414 | Non Individual Name cannot contain "P/L" |
VR.ATO.GEN.428260 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000416 | Non Individual Name cannot contain repeated hyphen, apostrophe, or space characters |
VR.ATO.GEN.428261 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000417 | Non Individual Name cannot end with "T/A", "T/A P'ship", "T/A Pship", "T/A P/Ship" or "T/A Partnership" |
VR.ATO.GEN.500132 | CMN.ATO.GEN.500132 | Organisation name must be present. |
VR.ATO.TRT.432365 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432365 | Current name of trust must be present |
VR.ATO.GEN.410038 | CMN.ATO.GEN.410038 | Non-individual name field cannot start with 'T/A' and end with 'Pship', 'P'ship or 'P/Ship' |
VR.ATO.GEN.410039 | CMN.ATO.GEN.410039 | Organisation name must contain at least one alpha or numeric character |
VR.ATO.GEN.428258 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000413 | Non Individual Name cannot contain space hyphen space combinations |
VR.ATO.GEN.428259 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000414 | Non Individual Name cannot contain "P/L" |
VR.ATO.GEN.428260 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000416 | Non Individual Name cannot contain repeated hyphen, apostrophe, or space characters |
VR.ATO.GEN.428261 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000417 | Non Individual Name cannot end with "T/A", "T/A P'ship", "T/A Pship", "T/A P/Ship" or "T/A Partnership" |
VR.ATO.GEN.500132 | CMN.ATO.GEN.500132 | Organisation name must be present. |
VR.ATO.TRT.432595 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432595 | Organisation Name Type code must be 'MN' or 'MTR' |
VR.ATO.GEN.434147 | CMN.ATO.GEN.434147 | State and post code must be present for an Australian address |
VR.ATO.TRT.432795 | CMN.ATO.GEN.428202 | Address currency code must be "C" or "P" |
VR.ATO.GEN.000406 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000406 | Address line 1 contains incorrect 'care of' reference. The only acceptable 'care of' reference is C/- |
VR.ATO.GEN.410002 | CMN.ATO.GEN.410002 | Address Line 2 must be present if Address Line 1 contains 'C/-' |
VR.ATO.GEN.410194 | CMN.ATO.GEN.410194 | Address Line 1 must not exceed 38 characters |
VR.ATO.GEN.410205 | CMN.ATO.GEN.410001 | Address Line 1 must not contain 'AS ABOVE' |
VR.ATO.GEN.428254 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000405 | Address line 1 cannot contain "UNKNOWN" |
VR.ATO.GEN.500133 | CMN.ATO.GEN.500133 | Address Line 1 must be present. |
VR.ATO.TRT.432366 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432366 | Current postal address of the trust must be present |
VR.ATO.GEN.000408 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000408 | Care of' is not valid for address line 2 |
VR.ATO.GEN.410195 | CMN.ATO.GEN.410195 | Address Line 2 must not exceed 38 characters |
VR.ATO.GEN.428255 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000407 | Address line 2 cannot contain "UNKNOWN" |
VR.ATO.GEN.410008 | CMN.ATO.GEN.410008 | Address Line 3 must be left blank |
VR.ATO.GEN.410013 | CMN.ATO.GEN.410013 | Address Line 4 must be left blank |
VR.ATO.GEN.428230 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000411 | Suburb/Town/City cannot contain state code |
VR.ATO.GEN.428256 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000409 | Suburb/Town/City cannot contain "UNKNOWN" |
VR.ATO.GEN.430246 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000410 | Suburb/Town/City cannot contain numeric characters |
VR.ATO.GEN.500134 | CMN.ATO.GEN.500134 | Suburb/Town/City must be present in an address. |
VR.ATO.TRT.432561 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432561 | Maximum Length for Suburb/Town is 60 characters |
VR.ATO.GEN.500141 | CMN.ATO.GEN.500141 | For an Australian address, state or territory must be one of: ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, SA, VIC, WA, TAS |
VR.ATO.GEN.410213 | CMN.ATO.GEN.410213 | Country Name must be left blank |
VR.ATO.GEN.410191 | CMN.ATO.GEN.410191 | Country code must be present for overseas address |
VR.ATO.GEN.410211 | CMN.ATO.GEN.410211 | Overseas address indicator must not be 'TRUE' if Country Code is 'au' |
VR.ATO.GEN.410212 | CMN.ATO.GEN.410212 | If an overseas Country Code is used, the Overseas Address indicator must be 'TRUE' |
VR.ATO.GEN.434147 | CMN.ATO.GEN.434147 | State and post code must be present for an Australian address |
VR.ATO.TRT.432795 | CMN.ATO.GEN.428202 | Address currency code must be "C" or "P" |
VR.ATO.GEN.000406 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000406 | Address line 1 contains incorrect 'care of' reference. The only acceptable 'care of' reference is C/- |
VR.ATO.GEN.410002 | CMN.ATO.GEN.410002 | Address Line 2 must be present if Address Line 1 contains 'C/-' |
VR.ATO.GEN.410194 | CMN.ATO.GEN.410194 | Address Line 1 must not exceed 38 characters |
VR.ATO.GEN.410205 | CMN.ATO.GEN.410001 | Address Line 1 must not contain 'AS ABOVE' |
VR.ATO.GEN.428254 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000405 | Address line 1 cannot contain "UNKNOWN" |
VR.ATO.GEN.500133 | CMN.ATO.GEN.500133 | Address Line 1 must be present. |
VR.ATO.TRT.432014 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430009 | Previous postal address must not be the same as current postal address |
VR.ATO.TRT.432596 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432596 | Address usage code must be 'POS' or 'BUS' |
VR.ATO.GEN.000408 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000408 | Care of' is not valid for address line 2 |
VR.ATO.GEN.410195 | CMN.ATO.GEN.410195 | Address Line 2 must not exceed 38 characters |
VR.ATO.GEN.428255 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000407 | Address line 2 cannot contain "UNKNOWN" |
VR.ATO.GEN.410008 | CMN.ATO.GEN.410008 | Address Line 3 must be left blank |
VR.ATO.GEN.410013 | CMN.ATO.GEN.410013 | Address Line 4 must be left blank |
VR.ATO.GEN.428230 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000411 | Suburb/Town/City cannot contain state code |
VR.ATO.GEN.428256 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000409 | Suburb/Town/City cannot contain "UNKNOWN" |
VR.ATO.GEN.430246 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000410 | Suburb/Town/City cannot contain numeric characters |
VR.ATO.GEN.500134 | CMN.ATO.GEN.500134 | Suburb/Town/City must be present in an address. |
VR.ATO.GEN.500141 | CMN.ATO.GEN.500141 | For an Australian address, state or territory must be one of: ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, SA, VIC, WA, TAS |
VR.ATO.GEN.410213 | CMN.ATO.GEN.410213 | Country Name must be left blank |
VR.ATO.GEN.410191 | CMN.ATO.GEN.410191 | Country code must be present for overseas address |
VR.ATO.GEN.410211 | CMN.ATO.GEN.410211 | Overseas address indicator must not be 'TRUE' if Country Code is 'au' |
VR.ATO.GEN.410212 | CMN.ATO.GEN.410212 | If an overseas Country Code is used, the Overseas Address indicator must be 'TRUE' |
VR.ATO.GEN.000459 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000459 | Title is invalid |
VR.ATO.GEN.000458 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000458 | Suffix is invalid |
VR.ATO.GEN.410200 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000424 | Family name cannot contain "Exec for", "Rep for" or "Trustee for" |
VR.ATO.GEN.410201 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000426 | Family name cannot contain "MR", "MRS", "MISS" or "MS" |
VR.ATO.GEN.428262 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000423 | Family Name cannot contain "space hyphen space" |
VR.ATO.GEN.428263 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000427 | Family name cannot contain repeated hyphen, apostrophe, or space characters |
VR.ATO.GEN.500135 | CMN.ATO.GEN.500135 | Family Name must be present. |
VR.ATO.GEN.500142 | CMN.ATO.GEN.500142 | Family name must contain at least one alphabetical character. |
VR.ATO.GEN.500153 | CMN.ATO.GEN.500153 | Family name cannot contain suffix ESQ, JNR, JP, MHA, MHR, MLA, MLC, MP, QC or SNR |
VR.ATO.TRT.432013 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432013 | Name of individual AND name of company must not both be present |
VR.ATO.TRT.432433 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430310 | Individual name Type code, Currency code and Usage code must be present and correct |
VR.ATO.GEN.410063 | CMN.ATO.GEN.410063 | Given Name must contain at least one alphabetical character |
VR.ATO.GEN.410203 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000437 | First name cannot contain "Exec for", "Rep for" or "Trustee for" |
VR.ATO.GEN.410204 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000438 | First name cannot contain "MR", "MRS", "MISS" or "MS" |
VR.ATO.GEN.410218 | CMN.ATO.GEN.410218 | FirstName must be entered if OtherGivenNames is entered |
VR.ATO.GEN.428264 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000434 | First name cannot contain space hyphen space |
VR.ATO.GEN.428265 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000439 | First name cannot contain repeated hyphen, apostrophe, or space characters |
VR.ATO.GEN.500151 | CMN.ATO.GEN.010436 | First name cannot contain suffix ESQ, JNR, JP, MHA, MHR, MLA, MLC, MP, QC or SNR |
VR.ATO.GEN.410131 | CMN.ATO.GEN.410131 | Other Given Name must contain at least one alphabetical character |
VR.ATO.GEN.410208 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000449 | Other given name cannot contain "Exec for", "Rep for" or "Trustee for" |
VR.ATO.GEN.410209 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000450 | Other given name cannot contain "MR", "MRS", "MISS" or "MS" |
VR.ATO.GEN.428266 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000446 | Other given name cannot contain space hyphen space |
VR.ATO.GEN.428267 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000451 | Other given name cannot contain repeated hyphen, apostrophe, or space characters |
VR.ATO.GEN.500152 | CMN.ATO.GEN.010448 | Other given name cannot contain suffix ESQ, JNR, JP, MHA, MHR, MLA, MLC, MP, QC or SNR |
VR.ATO.GEN.410038 | CMN.ATO.GEN.410038 | Non-individual name field cannot start with 'T/A' and end with 'Pship', 'P'ship or 'P/Ship' |
VR.ATO.GEN.410039 | CMN.ATO.GEN.410039 | Organisation name must contain at least one alpha or numeric character |
VR.ATO.GEN.428258 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000413 | Non Individual Name cannot contain space hyphen space combinations |
VR.ATO.GEN.428259 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000414 | Non Individual Name cannot contain "P/L" |
VR.ATO.GEN.428260 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000416 | Non Individual Name cannot contain repeated hyphen, apostrophe, or space characters |
VR.ATO.GEN.428261 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000417 | Non Individual Name cannot end with "T/A", "T/A P'ship", "T/A Pship", "T/A P/Ship" or "T/A Partnership" |
VR.ATO.GEN.500132 | CMN.ATO.GEN.500132 | Organisation name must be present. |
VR.ATO.TRT.432015 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432015 | Name of the trustee to whom notices should be sent must be present |
VR.ATO.TRT.432432 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430304 | Organisation Name Type code must be 'MN' and Currency Code must be 'C' |
VR.ATO.GEN.434223 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000477 | ABN is invalid |
VR.ATO.TRT.432606 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432606 | MailRecipient tuple can only appear once |
VR.ATO.GEN.500131 | CMN.ATO.GEN.500131 | Telephone must include usage code '03' and service line code '01' or '02'. |
VR.ATO.TRT.432609 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432609 | Family Trust Election Status - Specified income year must not be less than 1995 or greater than the current reporting year. |
VR.ATO.TRT.432017 | CMN.ATO.GEN.432017 | Family trust election or revocation schedule must be present |
VR.ATO.TRT.432413 | CMN.ATO.GEN.432413 | Family trust revocation code must be 'R' for revocation or 'V' for variation |
VR.ATO.TRT.432019 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430178 | IEE specified income year must be present |
VR.ATO.TRT.432610 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432610 | Interposed Entity Election Status - Specified income year must not be less than 1995 or greater than the current reporting year. |
VR.ATO.TRT.432020 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430180 | If the Interposed Entity Election revocation code is present, an IEE schedule must be present |
VR.ATO.TRT.432023 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432862 | Trust code must be '039', '059', '071', '072', '077', '089', '090', '112', '179', '184', '203' or '232'. |
VR.ATO.TRT.432024 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432725 | Assessment calculation code(s) must be a Deceased trust estate code |
VR.ATO.TRT.432026 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432026 | Special disability trust must not have income to which no beneficiary is presently entitled |
VR.ATO.TRT.432027 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432027 | If there is a Date of death, then the Type of trust must be a 'deceased estate' - code '059' |
VR.ATO.TRT.432028 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432028 | Beneficiary assessment calculation code must be '45' or '145' for special disability trust |
VR.ATO.TRT.432029 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432029 | Beneficiary assessment calculation code must not be special disability trust code |
VR.ATO.TRT.432368 | CMN.ATO.GEN.001001 | Mandatory field not supplied |
VR.ATO.TRT.432863 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432863 | Assessment calculation code(s) must be a testamentary trust code. |
VR.ATO.TRT.432030 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432030 | Date of death must not be after the financial year of the return |
VR.ATO.TRT.432031 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432031 | Date of death must be present if the Type of trust estate is a deceased estate (code 059) |
VR.ATO.TRT.432800 | CMN.ATO.GEN.001001 | Mandatory field not supplied |
VR.ATO.TRT.432801 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432801 | Managed investment trust information not required. |
VR.ATO.TRT.432802 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432802 | Managed investment trust type code required. |
VR.ATO.TRT.432804 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432804 | MIT type code must be 'W', 'N' or 'C'. |
VR.ATO.TRT.432805 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432805 | Capital account treatment election required. |
VR.ATO.TRT.432369 | CMN.ATO.GEN.001001 | Mandatory field not supplied |
VR.ATO.TRT.432370 | CMN.ATO.GEN.001001 | Mandatory field not supplied |
VR.ATO.GEN.500136 | CMN.ATO.GEN.500136 | BSB Number must be greater than 012000. |
VR.ATO.GEN.500137 | CMN.ATO.GEN.500137 | Account Number and Account Name must be present. |
VR.ATO.GEN.500145 | CMN.ATO.GEN.500145 | Account number contains invalid text |
VR.ATO.GEN.432037 | CMN.ATO.GEN.432037 | Bank account name must not contain invalid characters _ ! @ $ % [ ] ? = : ; " , |
VR.ATO.GEN.432040 | CMN.ATO.GEN.432040 | Only one EFT bank account may be present |
VR.ATO.GEN.432041 | CMN.ATO.GEN.432041 | Bank account name must not be longer than 32 characters |
VR.ATO.GEN.432267 | CMN.ATO.GEN.432267 | Financial institution name and branch name must not be present |
VR.ATO.TRT.432038 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430016 | Description of main business and industry code must be present |
VR.ATO.TRT.432039 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430015 | Description of main business activity and total business income must be present |
VR.ATO.TRT.432041 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432041 | If business income (primary production or non-primary production) is present, an Industry code (ANZSIC) must be present |
VR.ATO.TRT.432042 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432042 | Capital Gains Tax schedule must be present |
VR.ATO.TRT.432797 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432797 | Significant Global Entity question on the International Dealings Schedule (IDS) form must not be 'TRUE'. |
VR.ATO.TRT.W00016 | CMN.ATO.TRT.W00016 | Country by Country Reporting Entity (CBCRE) indicator should be supplied. |
VR.ATO.TRT.432896 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432896 | A reporting party who indicates that they are a Country-by-country reporting entity must also indicate that they are an SGE |
VR.ATO.TRT.432374 | CMN.ATO.GEN.001001 | Mandatory field not supplied |
VR.ATO.TRT.432652 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432652 | Check response to CGT event question |
VR.ATO.GEN.438019 | CMN.ATO.GEN.438019 | Exemption or rollover code not supplied |
VR.ATO.GEN.438021 | CMN.ATO.GEN.438021 | Exemption or rollover applied indicator must be true |
VR.ATO.GEN.438022 | CMN.ATO.GEN.438022 | Small business active asset reduction amount missing from CGT schedule |
VR.ATO.GEN.438023 | CMN.ATO.GEN.438023 | Small business retirement exemption amount missing from CGT schedule |
VR.ATO.GEN.438024 | CMN.ATO.GEN.438024 | Small business roll-over amount missing from CGT schedule |
VR.ATO.GEN.438025 | CMN.ATO.GEN.438025 | Small business 15 year exemption amount missing from CGT schedule |
VR.ATO.GEN.438026 | CMN.ATO.GEN.438026 | Capital gains disregarded by a foreign resident amount missing from CGT schedule |
VR.ATO.GEN.438027 | CMN.ATO.GEN.438027 | Capital gains disregarded as a result of a scrip for scrip roll-over amount missing from CGT schedule |
VR.ATO.GEN.438028 | CMN.ATO.GEN.438028 | Capital gains disregarded by a demerging entity amount missing from CGT schedule |
VR.ATO.TRT.432693 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432693 | Invalid exemption or rollover code |
VR.ATO.TRT.432694 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432694 | Exemption or rollover code must be unique |
VR.ATO.TRT.W00001 | CMN.ATO.TRT.W00001 | Total business income amount incorrect |
VR.ATO.TRT.W00002 | CMN.ATO.TRT.W00002 | Residency status of the trust must be 'Resident', unless eligible under certain exceptions. |
VR.ATO.TRT.432189 | CMN.ATO.GEN.434036 | Net capital gains in return must equal total net capital gain in CGT schedule. |
VR.ATO.TRT.432191 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432192 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432192 | Answer to the 'Did you have a CGT event..?' question must be 'yes' |
VR.ATO.TRT.432653 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432653 | Net capital gain required |
VR.ATO.TRT.432837 | CMN.ATO.TRT.W00015 | Ensure net capital gains is not blank if either of capital gains NCMI or capital gains Excluded from NCMI are greater than zero. |
VR.ATO.TRT.432747 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432765 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432765 | Credit for amounts withheld from foreign resident capital gains withholding amount must equal distributed amounts |
VR.ATO.TRT.432207 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432207 | Tax losses deducted must not exceed total income. |
VR.ATO.TRT.432208 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432208 | Widely held trusts must indicate whether continuity of majority ownership test passed for each year of loss |
VR.ATO.TRT.432209 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432429 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432429 | Losses schedule must be attached |
VR.ATO.TRT.432377 | CMN.ATO.GEN.001001 | Mandatory field not supplied |
VR.ATO.GEN.438017 | CMN.ATO.GEN.438017 | International Dealings Schedule not attached |
VR.ATO.TRT.432681 | CMN.ATO.GEN.001001 | Mandatory field not supplied |
VR.ATO.TRT.432378 | CMN.ATO.GEN.001001 | Mandatory field not supplied |
VR.ATO.TRT.432379 | CMN.ATO.GEN.001001 | Mandatory field not supplied |
VR.ATO.TRT.432649 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432649 | Transactions with specified countries question incorrect |
VR.ATO.GEN.438010 | CMN.ATO.GEN.438010 | Personal services income section completed incorrectly |
VR.ATO.GEN.438011 | CMN.ATO.GEN.438011 | Personal services income section completed incorrectly |
VR.ATO.TRT.432666 | CMN.ATO.GEN.001001 | Mandatory field not supplied |
VR.ATO.GEN.438012 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.GEN.438013 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432820 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432869 | CMN.ATO.TRT.W00013 | Ensure the total amount at capital gains NCMI (beneficiary and no beneficiary presently entitled) does not exceed net capital gains NCMI. |
VR.ATO.TRT.432819 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432870 | CMN.ATO.TRT.W00014 | Ensure the total amount at capital gains Excluded from NCMI (beneficiary and no beneficiary presently entitled) does not exceed net capital gains Excluded from NCMI. |
VR.ATO.GEN.410038 | CMN.ATO.GEN.410038 | Non-individual name field cannot start with 'T/A' and end with 'Pship', 'P'ship or 'P/Ship' |
VR.ATO.GEN.410039 | CMN.ATO.GEN.410039 | Organisation name must contain at least one alpha or numeric character |
VR.ATO.GEN.428258 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000413 | Non Individual Name cannot contain space hyphen space combinations |
VR.ATO.GEN.428259 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000414 | Non Individual Name cannot contain "P/L" |
VR.ATO.GEN.428260 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000416 | Non Individual Name cannot contain repeated hyphen, apostrophe, or space characters |
VR.ATO.GEN.428261 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000417 | Non Individual Name cannot end with "T/A", "T/A P'ship", "T/A Pship", "T/A P/Ship" or "T/A Partnership" |
VR.ATO.GEN.500132 | CMN.ATO.GEN.500132 | Organisation name must be present. |
VR.ATO.TRT.432234 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430129 | Business name and business address of main business must be present |
VR.ATO.GEN.434147 | CMN.ATO.GEN.434147 | State and post code must be present for an Australian address |
VR.ATO.TRT.432795 | CMN.ATO.GEN.428202 | Address currency code must be "C" or "P" |
VR.ATO.GEN.000406 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000406 | Address line 1 contains incorrect 'care of' reference. The only acceptable 'care of' reference is C/- |
VR.ATO.GEN.410002 | CMN.ATO.GEN.410002 | Address Line 2 must be present if Address Line 1 contains 'C/-' |
VR.ATO.GEN.410194 | CMN.ATO.GEN.410194 | Address Line 1 must not exceed 38 characters |
VR.ATO.GEN.410205 | CMN.ATO.GEN.410001 | Address Line 1 must not contain 'AS ABOVE' |
VR.ATO.GEN.428254 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000405 | Address line 1 cannot contain "UNKNOWN" |
VR.ATO.GEN.430306 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430306 | Business address Currency code must be 'C' |
VR.ATO.GEN.500133 | CMN.ATO.GEN.500133 | Address Line 1 must be present. |
VR.ATO.GEN.000408 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000408 | Care of' is not valid for address line 2 |
VR.ATO.GEN.410195 | CMN.ATO.GEN.410195 | Address Line 2 must not exceed 38 characters |
VR.ATO.GEN.428255 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000407 | Address line 2 cannot contain "UNKNOWN" |
VR.ATO.GEN.410008 | CMN.ATO.GEN.410008 | Address Line 3 must be left blank |
VR.ATO.GEN.410013 | CMN.ATO.GEN.410013 | Address Line 4 must be left blank |
VR.ATO.GEN.428230 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000411 | Suburb/Town/City cannot contain state code |
VR.ATO.GEN.428256 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000409 | Suburb/Town/City cannot contain "UNKNOWN" |
VR.ATO.GEN.430246 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000410 | Suburb/Town/City cannot contain numeric characters |
VR.ATO.GEN.500134 | CMN.ATO.GEN.500134 | Suburb/Town/City must be present in an address. |
VR.ATO.GEN.500141 | CMN.ATO.GEN.500141 | For an Australian address, state or territory must be one of: ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, SA, VIC, WA, TAS |
VR.ATO.GEN.410213 | CMN.ATO.GEN.410213 | Country Name must be left blank |
VR.ATO.GEN.410191 | CMN.ATO.GEN.410191 | Country code must be present for overseas address |
VR.ATO.GEN.410211 | CMN.ATO.GEN.410211 | Overseas address indicator must not be 'TRUE' if Country Code is 'au' |
VR.ATO.GEN.410212 | CMN.ATO.GEN.410212 | If an overseas Country Code is used, the Overseas Address indicator must be 'TRUE' |
VR.ATO.TRT.432237 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432245 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430131 | Total salary and wage expenses amount must be present if the action code is present |
VR.ATO.TRT.432246 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432247 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430132 | Total salary and wage expenses action code must be present |
VR.ATO.TRT.432248 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432255 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432265 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432265 | Unpaid present entitlement to a private company code must be 'D' - Dividend, or 'X' - No dividend |
VR.ATO.TRT.432891 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432891 | Select your aggregated turnover range must be provided |
VR.ATO.TRT.432893 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.W00019 | CMN.ATO.TRT.W00019 | Aggregated turnover value should be more than $1 billion |
VR.ATO.TRT.432894 | VR.ATO.TRT.432894 | Aggregated turnover must be provided |
VR.ATO.TRT.432901 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432901 | Temporary full expensing deductions must not be provided |
VR.ATO.TRT.432249 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432250 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432906 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432906 | Number of assets you are opting out for and Value of assets you are opting out for must not be provided |
VR.ATO.TRT.432871 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432872 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432872 | Number of assets you are opting out for? must be provided |
VR.ATO.TRT.432873 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432874 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432874 | Value of assets you are opting out for? must be provided |
VR.ATO.TRT.432875 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432876 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432876 | Temporary full expensing deductions must be provided |
VR.ATO.TRT.432899 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432899 | Temporary full expensing deductions must not be provided |
VR.ATO.TRT.432900 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432900 | Temporary full expensing deductions must be provided |
VR.ATO.TRT.432877 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432880 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432880 | Number assets you are claiming for? must be provided |
VR.ATO.TRT.432904 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432904 | Number of assets you are opting out for and Value of assets you are opting out for must not be provided |
VR.ATO.TRT.432881 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432882 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432882 | Number of assets you are opting out for? must be provided |
VR.ATO.TRT.432883 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432884 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432884 | Value of assets you are opting out for? must be provided |
VR.ATO.TRT.432885 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432886 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432886 | First year accelerated depreciation deductions for assets using Backing Business Investment must be greater than 0 |
VR.ATO.TRT.432905 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432905 | First year accelerated depreciation deductions for assets using Backing Business Investment must not be provided |
VR.ATO.TRT.432902 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432902 | First year accelerated depreciation deductions for assets using Backing business investment must not be provided |
VR.ATO.TRT.432887 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432888 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432888 | Subsequent year accelerated depreciation deductions for assets using Backing Business Investment must be greater than 0 |
VR.ATO.TRT.432889 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432890 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432890 | Instant asset write-off deductions for non-small business entities must be greater than 0 |
VR.ATO.TRT.432903 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432903 | Instant asset write-off deductions for non-small business entities must not be provided |
VR.ATO.GEN.438014 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.GEN.438015 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.GEN.438016 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432251 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432252 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432253 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432254 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432261 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432342 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432342 | National rental affordability scheme tax offset amount must equal distributed amounts |
VR.ATO.TRT.432343 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432713 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432638 | Code not present for tax offset amount greater than zero |
VR.ATO.TRT.432714 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432639 | The Share of Other Refundable Tax Offsets plus the sum of Exploration Credits is not equal to Other Refundable Tax Offset |
VR.ATO.TRT.432717 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432612 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432640 | Tax offset amount is equal to zero or not present but code is present |
VR.ATO.TRT.432721 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432724 | Other refundable tax offsets code must be 'MultipleTaxOffsets' or 'ExplorationCreditRefundableTaxOffset' |
VR.ATO.TRT.432275 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432276 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432276 | Number of dependent children and students is greater than 12 |
VR.ATO.TRT.432277 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432614 | Levy exemption days exceeds limit |
VR.ATO.TRT.432632 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432632 | Share of income of the trust estate is incorrect |
VR.ATO.TRT.432639 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432668 | CMN.ATO.GEN.001001 | Mandatory field not supplied |
VR.ATO.GEN.410031 | CMN.ATO.GEN.410031 | TFN must be a valid TFN |
VR.ATO.TRT.432284 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430141 | TFN or address must be present in each Statement of Distribution |
VR.ATO.TRT.432285 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430142 | Tax file number must not be the TFN of the Trust or Partnership |
VR.ATO.TRT.432286 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432286 | Beneficiary's tax file number must be present if the TFN identifier is present |
VR.ATO.TRT.432287 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432287 | To make a correct TB statement, TFN must be present for resident trustee beneficiary |
VR.ATO.TRT.432593 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432593 | The beneficiary TFN reported must not be reported more than once. |
VR.ATO.TRT.432288 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432288 | TFN trailing number must be in the range 1 to 49. |
VR.ATO.TRT.432581 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432581 | In distribution statement the entity type of beneficiary code must be present |
VR.ATO.TRT.432582 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432582 | Individual name must be present for individual beneficiaries. |
VR.ATO.TRT.432583 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432583 | Non-individual name must be present for non-individual beneficiaries. |
VR.ATO.TRT.432584 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432584 | Date of birth must be present for individual beneficiaries. |
VR.ATO.TRT.432585 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432585 | Assessment calculation codes are not correct for company beneficiaries. |
VR.ATO.TRT.432586 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432586 | Assessment calculation codes are not correct for trustee beneficiaries |
VR.ATO.GEN.410038 | CMN.ATO.GEN.410038 | Non-individual name field cannot start with 'T/A' and end with 'Pship', 'P'ship or 'P/Ship' |
VR.ATO.GEN.410039 | CMN.ATO.GEN.410039 | Organisation name must contain at least one alpha or numeric character |
VR.ATO.GEN.428258 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000413 | Non Individual Name cannot contain space hyphen space combinations |
VR.ATO.GEN.428259 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000414 | Non Individual Name cannot contain "P/L" |
VR.ATO.GEN.428260 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000416 | Non Individual Name cannot contain repeated hyphen, apostrophe, or space characters |
VR.ATO.GEN.428261 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000417 | Non Individual Name cannot end with "T/A", "T/A P'ship", "T/A Pship", "T/A P/Ship" or "T/A Partnership" |
VR.ATO.GEN.500132 | CMN.ATO.GEN.500132 | Organisation name must be present. |
VR.ATO.TRT.432282 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432615 | Both family name and company name present |
VR.ATO.TRT.432422 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430303 | Organisation Name Type code must be 'MN' and Currency Code must be 'C' |
VR.ATO.GEN.000459 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000459 | Title is invalid |
VR.ATO.GEN.000458 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000458 | Suffix is invalid |
VR.ATO.GEN.410200 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000424 | Family name cannot contain "Exec for", "Rep for" or "Trustee for" |
VR.ATO.GEN.410201 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000426 | Family name cannot contain "MR", "MRS", "MISS" or "MS" |
VR.ATO.GEN.428262 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000423 | Family Name cannot contain "space hyphen space" |
VR.ATO.GEN.428263 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000427 | Family name cannot contain repeated hyphen, apostrophe, or space characters |
VR.ATO.GEN.500135 | CMN.ATO.GEN.500135 | Family Name must be present. |
VR.ATO.GEN.500142 | CMN.ATO.GEN.500142 | Family name must contain at least one alphabetical character. |
VR.ATO.GEN.500153 | CMN.ATO.GEN.500153 | Family name cannot contain suffix ESQ, JNR, JP, MHA, MHR, MLA, MLC, MP, QC or SNR |
VR.ATO.TRT.432280 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432280 | Trust beneficiary cannot have a zero or a negative income distribution |
VR.ATO.TRT.432281 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432281 | Either an individual or non-individual name must be present in each Statement of distribution |
VR.ATO.TRT.432424 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430311 | Individual name Type code, Currency code and Usage code must be present and correct |
VR.ATO.GEN.410063 | CMN.ATO.GEN.410063 | Given Name must contain at least one alphabetical character |
VR.ATO.GEN.410203 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000437 | First name cannot contain "Exec for", "Rep for" or "Trustee for" |
VR.ATO.GEN.410204 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000438 | First name cannot contain "MR", "MRS", "MISS" or "MS" |
VR.ATO.GEN.410218 | CMN.ATO.GEN.410218 | FirstName must be entered if OtherGivenNames is entered |
VR.ATO.GEN.428264 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000434 | First name cannot contain space hyphen space |
VR.ATO.GEN.428265 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000439 | First name cannot contain repeated hyphen, apostrophe, or space characters |
VR.ATO.GEN.500151 | CMN.ATO.GEN.010436 | First name cannot contain suffix ESQ, JNR, JP, MHA, MHR, MLA, MLC, MP, QC or SNR |
VR.ATO.GEN.410131 | CMN.ATO.GEN.410131 | Other Given Name must contain at least one alphabetical character |
VR.ATO.GEN.410208 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000449 | Other given name cannot contain "Exec for", "Rep for" or "Trustee for" |
VR.ATO.GEN.410209 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000450 | Other given name cannot contain "MR", "MRS", "MISS" or "MS" |
VR.ATO.GEN.428266 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000446 | Other given name cannot contain space hyphen space |
VR.ATO.GEN.428267 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000451 | Other given name cannot contain repeated hyphen, apostrophe, or space characters |
VR.ATO.GEN.500152 | CMN.ATO.GEN.010448 | Other given name cannot contain suffix ESQ, JNR, JP, MHA, MHR, MLA, MLC, MP, QC or SNR |
VR.ATO.TRT.432289 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432289 | Beneficiary's date of birth must be present |
VR.ATO.GEN.434147 | CMN.ATO.GEN.434147 | State and post code must be present for an Australian address |
VR.ATO.TRT.432569 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432569 | Current Residential Address required for individual beneficiary. |
VR.ATO.TRT.432599 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432599 | Address usage code must be 'RES' or 'BUS' . |
VR.ATO.TRT.432795 | CMN.ATO.GEN.428202 | Address currency code must be "C" or "P" |
VR.ATO.GEN.000406 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000406 | Address line 1 contains incorrect 'care of' reference. The only acceptable 'care of' reference is C/- |
VR.ATO.GEN.410002 | CMN.ATO.GEN.410002 | Address Line 2 must be present if Address Line 1 contains 'C/-' |
VR.ATO.GEN.410194 | CMN.ATO.GEN.410194 | Address Line 1 must not exceed 38 characters |
VR.ATO.GEN.410205 | CMN.ATO.GEN.410001 | Address Line 1 must not contain 'AS ABOVE' |
VR.ATO.GEN.428254 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000405 | Address line 1 cannot contain "UNKNOWN" |
VR.ATO.GEN.500133 | CMN.ATO.GEN.500133 | Address Line 1 must be present. |
VR.ATO.GEN.000408 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000408 | Care of' is not valid for address line 2 |
VR.ATO.GEN.410195 | CMN.ATO.GEN.410195 | Address Line 2 must not exceed 38 characters |
VR.ATO.GEN.428255 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000407 | Address line 2 cannot contain "UNKNOWN" |
VR.ATO.GEN.410008 | CMN.ATO.GEN.410008 | Address Line 3 must be left blank |
VR.ATO.GEN.410013 | CMN.ATO.GEN.410013 | Address Line 4 must be left blank |
VR.ATO.GEN.428230 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000411 | Suburb/Town/City cannot contain state code |
VR.ATO.GEN.428256 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000409 | Suburb/Town/City cannot contain "UNKNOWN" |
VR.ATO.GEN.430246 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000410 | Suburb/Town/City cannot contain numeric characters |
VR.ATO.GEN.500134 | CMN.ATO.GEN.500134 | Suburb/Town/City must be present in an address. |
VR.ATO.GEN.500141 | CMN.ATO.GEN.500141 | For an Australian address, state or territory must be one of: ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, SA, VIC, WA, TAS |
VR.ATO.GEN.410213 | CMN.ATO.GEN.410213 | Country Name must be left blank |
VR.ATO.GEN.410191 | CMN.ATO.GEN.410191 | Country code must be present for overseas address |
VR.ATO.GEN.410211 | CMN.ATO.GEN.410211 | Overseas address indicator must not be 'TRUE' if Country Code is 'au' |
VR.ATO.GEN.410212 | CMN.ATO.GEN.410212 | If an overseas Country Code is used, the Overseas Address indicator must be 'TRUE' |
VR.ATO.GEN.434147 | CMN.ATO.GEN.434147 | State and post code must be present for an Australian address |
VR.ATO.TRT.432599 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432599 | Address usage code must be 'RES' or 'BUS' . |
VR.ATO.TRT.432794 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432794 | Current Business Address required for non-individual beneficiary. |
VR.ATO.GEN.000406 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000406 | Address line 1 contains incorrect 'care of' reference. The only acceptable 'care of' reference is C/- |
VR.ATO.GEN.410002 | CMN.ATO.GEN.410002 | Address Line 2 must be present if Address Line 1 contains 'C/-' |
VR.ATO.GEN.410194 | CMN.ATO.GEN.410194 | Address Line 1 must not exceed 38 characters |
VR.ATO.GEN.410205 | CMN.ATO.GEN.410001 | Address Line 1 must not contain 'AS ABOVE' |
VR.ATO.GEN.428254 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000405 | Address line 1 cannot contain "UNKNOWN" |
VR.ATO.GEN.500133 | CMN.ATO.GEN.500133 | Address Line 1 must be present. |
VR.ATO.GEN.000408 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000408 | Care of' is not valid for address line 2 |
VR.ATO.GEN.410195 | CMN.ATO.GEN.410195 | Address Line 2 must not exceed 38 characters |
VR.ATO.GEN.428255 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000407 | Address line 2 cannot contain "UNKNOWN" |
VR.ATO.GEN.410008 | CMN.ATO.GEN.410008 | Address Line 3 must be left blank |
VR.ATO.GEN.410013 | CMN.ATO.GEN.410013 | Address Line 4 must be left blank |
VR.ATO.GEN.428230 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000411 | Suburb/Town/City cannot contain state code |
VR.ATO.GEN.428256 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000409 | Suburb/Town/City cannot contain "UNKNOWN" |
VR.ATO.GEN.430246 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000410 | Suburb/Town/City cannot contain numeric characters |
VR.ATO.GEN.500134 | CMN.ATO.GEN.500134 | Suburb/Town/City must be present in an address. |
VR.ATO.GEN.500141 | CMN.ATO.GEN.500141 | For an Australian address, state or territory must be one of: ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, SA, VIC, WA, TAS |
VR.ATO.GEN.410213 | CMN.ATO.GEN.410213 | Country Name must be left blank |
VR.ATO.GEN.410191 | CMN.ATO.GEN.410191 | Country code must be present for overseas address |
VR.ATO.GEN.410211 | CMN.ATO.GEN.410211 | Overseas address indicator must not be 'TRUE' if Country Code is 'au' |
VR.ATO.GEN.410212 | CMN.ATO.GEN.410212 | If an overseas Country Code is used, the Overseas Address indicator must be 'TRUE' |
VR.ATO.TRT.432025 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432025 | Assessment calculation code must be an Inter vivos trust estate code |
VR.ATO.TRT.432290 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432723 | Further information must be provided at Other attachments schedule |
VR.ATO.TRT.432292 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432616 | Assessment calculation code must be present |
VR.ATO.TRT.432293 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432293 | Assessment calculation code must be present |
VR.ATO.TRT.432294 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432294 | Address of beneficiary must be present and be an overseas address |
VR.ATO.TRT.432295 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432295 | TB statement must not be made if the distribution is not to a trustee beneficiary |
VR.ATO.TRT.432418 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432796 | Assessment calculation code must be:11-14,25-30,34,35,45,111,118 -120,125-129,134,138,139,140,145 |
VR.ATO.TRT.432640 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432296 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432738 | PP or Non PP Share of income or franked distributions must be present |
VR.ATO.TRT.432716 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432298 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432667 | Australian franking credits from a NZ franking company amount must not be less than distributed amounts |
VR.ATO.TRT.432299 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432300 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432637 | Each Statement of Distribution must contain distribution amounts |
VR.ATO.TRT.432301 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432807 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432808 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432303 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432618 | Non-PP income or franked distributions amount must be present in Statement of distribution |
VR.ATO.TRT.432304 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432809 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432810 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432302 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432619 | PP or Non-PP income distribution or franked distribution amount must be present in Statement of distribution |
VR.ATO.TRT.432306 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432864 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432641 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432307 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432307 | Franking credits must not be present when the trust has zero net income or incurs an overall loss |
VR.ATO.TRT.432308 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432309 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432587 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432191 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432811 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432812 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432739 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432283 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432283 | Attributed foreign income or Other assessable foreign source income must be present |
VR.ATO.TRT.432312 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432702 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432314 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432314 | Foreign income tax offsets must not be present if trust has zero net income or incurs a loss |
VR.ATO.TRT.432315 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432315 | Foreign income tax offsets amount must equal distributed amounts |
VR.ATO.TRT.432316 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432343 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432613 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432788 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432789 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432719 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432318 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432318 | s98(3) assessable amount must be present |
VR.ATO.TRT.432319 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432022 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432022 | s98(4) assessable amount must be present |
VR.ATO.TRT.432320 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432347 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432347 | TB Statement information amount must be present |
VR.ATO.TRT.432348 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432348 | TB Statement information amount must NOT be present |
VR.ATO.TRT.432349 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432350 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432588 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432588 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432589 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432589 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432008 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432622 | Assessment calculation code must be: 15, 16, 17, 36, 37 |
VR.ATO.TRT.432321 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432621 | Assessment calculation code must be present |
VR.ATO.TRT.432601 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432601 | IncomeNoBeneficiaryPresentlyEntitled tuple can only appear once |
VR.ATO.TRT.432640 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432607 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432741 | PP or Non PP Share of income or franked distributions must be present |
VR.ATO.TRT.432778 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432299 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432324 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432813 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432814 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432325 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432623 | Non-PP income or franked distributions amount must be present in 'no beneficiary entitled' distribution |
VR.ATO.TRT.432326 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432815 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432816 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432306 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432600 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432620 | PP or Non-PP income distribution or franked distributions must be present in Statement of distribution |
VR.ATO.TRT.432641 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432308 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432309 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432587 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432191 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432817 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432818 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432742 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432312 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432702 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432311 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432311 | Attributed foreign income or Other assessable foreign source income must be present |
VR.ATO.TRT.432316 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432343 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432717 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432790 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432791 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432792 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432793 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432633 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432633 | Assessment calculation code is not correct |
VR.ATO.TRT.432635 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432635 | Assessment calculation code must be present |
VR.ATO.TRT.432642 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432335 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432335 | Other attachments schedule must be present |
VR.ATO.TRT.432383 | CMN.ATO.GEN.001001 | Mandatory field not supplied |
VR.ATO.TRT.432336 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432704 | Code value must be "Resident" or "NonResidentNoPermEstab" |
VR.ATO.TRT.432570 | CMN.ATO.GEN.001001 | Mandatory field not supplied |
VR.ATO.TRT.432730 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432730 | Exploration credit tax offset cannot be claimed |
VR.ATO.TRT.432337 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432705 | Non-resident trust - amount of income must be present |
VR.ATO.TRT.432338 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432339 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432703 | Non-resident trust income amount must not be present |
VR.ATO.TRT.432577 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432577 | The Other attachments schedule must not exceed 3000 characters |
VR.ATO.GEN.430206 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430206 | Hours taken to prepare and complete form must be 1 to 999 |
VR.ATO.GEN.438062 | CMN.ATO.GEN.438062 | Declaration statement type code is required. |
VR.ATO.GEN.438064 | CMN.ATO.GEN.438064 | Declaration statement accepted indicator is required. |
VR.ATO.GEN.430255 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430255 | Signature date must not be later than today |
VR.ATO.GEN.438068 | CMN.ATO.GEN.438068 | Declaration signature date is required. |
VR.ATO.GEN.438066 | CMN.ATO.GEN.438066 | Declaration signatory identifier is required. |
VR.ATO.GEN.436279 | CMN.ATO.GEN.436279 | Declaration name must have a usage code of 'DeclarationSignatory' |
VR.ATO.GEN.408010 | CMN.ATO.GEN.408010 | Name field cannot contain 'space hyphen space'. |
VR.ATO.GEN.430252 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430252 | Unstructured name must not be more than 200 characters |
VR.ATO.GEN.438035 | CMN.ATO.GEN.438035 | Unstructured name must not contain invalid characters ~ ^ < > + , * |
VR.ATO.GEN.500130 | CMN.ATO.GEN.500130 | Person unstructured name must be provided. |
VR.ATO.TRT.432210 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432210 | Losses schedule must be attached where total of tax losses and net capital losses exceeds $100000 |
VR.ATO.TRT.432211 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432212 | CMN.ATO.GEN.434086 | Tax losses carried forward to later income years in schedule must equal amount in main form |
VR.ATO.TRT.432213 | CMN.ATO.GEN.434088 | Net capital losses carried forward to later income years must equal amount in CGT schedule |
VR.ATO.TRT.432215 | CMN.ATO.GEN.434087 | Net capital losses carried forward to later income years must equal amount in Losses schedule |
VR.ATO.TRT.432703 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432227 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430194 | All current assets must not exceed Total assets |
VR.ATO.TRT.432228 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432229 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432230 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430195 | All current liabilities must not exceed Total liabilities |
VR.ATO.TRT.432231 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432232 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432238 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430197 | Closing stock amount must be present if Code is present |
VR.ATO.TRT.432239 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432240 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430198 | Closing stock action code must be present if Closing stock amount is present |
VR.ATO.TRT.432241 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430199 | Trade debtors amount must not exceed All current assets amount |
VR.ATO.TRT.432242 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432243 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430200 | Trade creditors cannot exceed all current liabilities in Financial and other information |
VR.ATO.TRT.432244 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432263 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432263 | No amount in Unpaid present entitlement to a private company. |
VR.ATO.TRT.432264 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.GEN.438018 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432785 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432786 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432786 | The sum of Early stage investor tax offset and Early stage investor tax offset carried forward from previous year cannot exceed $200,000. |
VR.ATO.TRT.432787 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432787 | Early stage investor tax offset amount must equal distributed amounts. |
VR.ATO.TRT.432059 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432060 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432061 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432704 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432705 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432064 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432712 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432650 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432650 | Interest expenses required |
VR.ATO.TRT.432715 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432708 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432070 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432687 | Small business entity simplified depreciation must not exceed Depreciation expenses |
VR.ATO.TRT.432071 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432709 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432710 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432074 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432075 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432611 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432718 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432085 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430058 | Tax withheld where ABN not quoted must be present |
VR.ATO.TRT.432086 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430056 | Tax withheld where ABN not quoted cannot be greater than 50% of Gross payments (PP and Non-PP) where ABN not quoted. |
VR.ATO.TRT.432087 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430057 | PP or Non-PP Gross payments where ABN not quoted must be present |
VR.ATO.TRT.432088 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430183 | Payment Summary schedule must include Tax withheld where ABN not quoted amount |
VR.ATO.TRT.432089 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432089 | Total Tax withheld where ABN not quoted must equal beneficiaries amounts |
VR.ATO.TRT.432090 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432091 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432744 | Credit for tax withheld - foreign resident withholding (excluding capital gains) must not exceed 50% of Non PP gross payments |
VR.ATO.TRT.432092 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432745 | Credit for tax withheld - foreign resident withholding (excluding capital gains) must be present |
VR.ATO.TRT.432093 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432746 | Total Credit for Tax withheld - foreign resident withholding (excluding capital gains) must equal beneficiaries amounts |
VR.ATO.TRT.432711 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432095 | CMN.ATO.GEN.434079 | Credit: Interest on early payments must not be less than 50 cents |
VR.ATO.TRT.432096 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432109 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432110 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432110 | Sum of Franking credit amounts must equal beneficiaries amounts |
VR.ATO.TRT.432111 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432112 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432112 | TFN amounts withheld from interest must equal beneficiaries amount |
VR.ATO.TRT.432113 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432578 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432624 | Sum of Share of credit for TFN amounts withheld not equal to Credit for TFN amounts withheld |
VR.ATO.TRT.432579 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432114 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432115 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430082 | Gross rent and Rental deduction amounts must be present |
VR.ATO.TRT.432116 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430083 | Gross rent must equal the total Gross rent in the Rental Schedules |
VR.ATO.TRT.432117 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430084 | Net rent must equal the total net rent in the Rental Schedules |
VR.ATO.TRT.432118 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430079 | Gross rent must be present |
VR.ATO.TRT.432119 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430080 | Rent deductions must be present |
VR.ATO.TRT.432120 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430081 | Rental schedule must be present |
VR.ATO.TRT.432121 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432122 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430086 | Rental Interest deductions must equal the total Interest deductions in the Rental Schedules |
VR.ATO.TRT.432123 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432124 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430088 | Capital works deductions must equal the total Capital works deductions in the Rental Schedules |
VR.ATO.TRT.432125 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432126 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430090 | Other rental deductions must equal the total other deductions in the Rental Schedules |
VR.ATO.TRT.432127 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432128 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432129 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430106 | Gross interest or dividend income must be present |
VR.ATO.TRT.432130 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432421 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430092 | Gross interest amount greater than zero must be present |
VR.ATO.TRT.432131 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430093 | TFN amounts withheld from dividends must not exceed 50% of Gross interest |
VR.ATO.TRT.432132 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432133 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430095 | Dividends amounts must be present |
VR.ATO.TRT.432134 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430096 | TFN amount withheld must not exceed unfranked dividends plus 50% of franked dividends |
VR.ATO.TRT.432135 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432136 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432634 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432634 | Franked Dividends Amount must be present |
VR.ATO.TRT.432137 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430098 | Franking credit cannot be greater than 48% of dividends-franked amount. |
VR.ATO.TRT.432138 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430100 | Franking credit amount must be present |
VR.ATO.TRT.432139 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432140 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430102 | TFN amounts withheld from dividends must not exceed 50% of the Unfranked amount |
VR.ATO.TRT.432141 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432142 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432143 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432384 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432384 | Death benefit superannuation lump sum must be complete |
VR.ATO.TRT.432605 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432605 | SuperannuationLumpSumWithholdingPaymentDetails tuple can only appear once |
VR.ATO.TRT.432144 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432419 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432419 | The number of ETP payments for a dependent beneficiary must not exceed 1. |
VR.ATO.TRT.432420 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432420 | Amount, type code and indicator must be present for a death benefit ETP |
VR.ATO.TRT.432597 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432597 | ETP payments can only be made to beneficiary type code "D" or "O" |
VR.ATO.TRT.432144 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432567 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432567 | The number of ETP payments for a non-dependent beneficiary must not exceed 1. |
VR.ATO.TRT.432164 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432164 | Each Other Australian income item must include both an amount and a description |
VR.ATO.TRT.432166 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432430 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432430 | The number of Other Australian income items must not exceed 50 |
VR.ATO.TRT.432167 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432146 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432148 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432148 | Tax withheld from pension must not be greater than the total pension amount |
VR.ATO.TRT.432149 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.GEN.434223 | CMN.ATO.GEN.000477 | ABN is invalid |
VR.ATO.TRT.432387 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432387 | The must be no more than 20 instances of Other Australian Income - Tax withheld details |
VR.ATO.TRT.432152 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432425 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432425 | At least one amount must be present for Other Australian Income - withholding details |
VR.ATO.TRT.432153 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432154 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432155 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432156 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432157 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432152 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432604 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432604 | SuperannuationIncomeStreamWithholdingPaymentDetails tuple can only appear once |
VR.ATO.TRT.432159 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432160 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432159 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432160 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432163 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432168 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432638 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432169 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432177 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430110 | Other deductions amount must be present |
VR.ATO.TRT.432178 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432389 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430109 | Other deductions must not exceed 99 instances |
VR.ATO.TRT.432179 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432179 | Net trust income must equal distributed income |
VR.ATO.TRT.432180 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432613 | Net Australian income must equal income less deductions |
VR.ATO.TRT.432181 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432181 | Zero net income or an overall trust loss cannot be distributed |
VR.ATO.TRT.432188 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432373 | CMN.ATO.GEN.001001 | Mandatory field not supplied |
VR.ATO.TRT.432048 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432748 | Non-PP business income must be present |
VR.ATO.TRT.432049 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432050 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432051 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432749 | Gross payment - Foreign Resident Withholding (excluding capital gains) is incorrect |
VR.ATO.TRT.432052 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432750 | NPP Gross payments subject to foreign resident withholding (excluding capital gains) must be present |
VR.ATO.TRT.432055 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430032 | Non-PP Assessable government industry payments amount must be present |
VR.ATO.TRT.432056 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432058 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432856 | CMN.ATO.TRT.W00003 | Ensure NCMI and Excluded from NCMI - business income from non-primary production are included at non-PP income - Other business income. |
VR.ATO.TRT.432083 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432751 | Net non-PP income must be present |
VR.ATO.TRT.432084 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432103 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432692 | Non-PP distribution amount must be present |
VR.ATO.TRT.432104 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432857 | CMN.ATO.TRT.W00004 | Ensure NCMI and Excluded from NCMI - partnership income from non-primary production are included at non-PP income - Distribution from partnerships less foreign income. |
VR.ATO.TRT.432105 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432662 | Non-PP - Share of net income from trusts amount must be present |
VR.ATO.TRT.432661 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432858 | CMN.ATO.TRT.W00005 | Ensure NCMI and Excluded from NCMI - share of net income from trusts from non-primary production are included at non-PP income - Share of net income from trusts less net capital gains, foreign income and franked distributions. |
VR.ATO.TRT.432353 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432663 | Distribution from trusts action code must be present |
VR.ATO.TRT.432898 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432899 | Invalid Non-primary production- share of net income from trusts, less net capital gain, foreign income and franked distributions action code. |
VR.ATO.TRT.432107 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432664 | Non-PP - Deductions relating to distributions/share of net income can not be more than zero |
VR.ATO.TRT.432108 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432631 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432631 | Non-primary production franked distributions from trusts amount must be present |
VR.ATO.TRT.432636 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432637 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432821 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432867 | CMN.ATO.TRT.W00011 | Ensure the total amount at NCMI from non-primary production (beneficiary and no beneficiary presently entitled) does not exceed net NCMI from non-primary production. |
VR.ATO.TRT.432822 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432868 | CMN.ATO.TRT.W00012 | Ensure the total amount at Excluded from NCMI from non-primary production (beneficiary and no beneficiary presently entitled) does not exceed net Excluded from NCMI from non-primary production. |
VR.ATO.TRT.432043 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430019 | Payment Summary schedule must be present if Gross payments where ABN not quoted is present |
VR.ATO.TRT.432044 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430020 | Gross payment where ABN not quoted must equal sum of payments on schedule |
VR.ATO.TRT.432045 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432686 | PP business income must be present |
VR.ATO.TRT.432046 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430018 | Total business income amount required |
VR.ATO.TRT.432047 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432053 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432054 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430030 | PP Assessable government industry payments amount must be present |
VR.ATO.TRT.432057 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432859 | CMN.ATO.TRT.W00006 | Ensure NCMI and Excluded from NCMI - business income from primary production are included at PP income - Other business income. |
VR.ATO.TRT.432078 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432688 | Primary Production Net income or loss from business must be present |
VR.ATO.TRT.432079 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430050 | Total Net income or loss must equal total Income, plus Reconciliation items, minus total Expenses |
VR.ATO.TRT.432080 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432752 | Net income or loss from business must be present |
VR.ATO.TRT.432081 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432689 | PP income/loss from business and/or PP distribution from partnerships or share of net income from trusts must be present |
VR.ATO.TRT.432082 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432097 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432690 | PP - Income distribution from partnerships and/or share of net income from trusts must be present |
VR.ATO.TRT.432098 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432753 | Distribution/share of net income from partnerships or trusts must be present |
VR.ATO.TRT.432099 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432860 | CMN.ATO.TRT.W00007 | Ensure NCMI and Excluded from NCMI - partnership income from primary production are included at PP income - Distribution from partnerships. |
VR.ATO.TRT.432100 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432659 | PP - Share of net income from trusts amount must be greater than zero if action code is present |
VR.ATO.TRT.432658 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432861 | CMN.ATO.TRT.W00008 | Ensure NCMI and Excluded from NCMI - share of net income from trusts from primary production are included at PP income - Share of net income from trusts. |
VR.ATO.TRT.432352 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432660 | Share of net income from trusts action code must be present |
VR.ATO.TRT.432897 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432897 | Invalid Primary production- Share of net income from trusts action code. |
VR.ATO.TRT.432102 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432823 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432865 | CMN.ATO.TRT.W00009 | Ensure the total amount at NCMI from primary production (beneficiary and no beneficiary presently entitled) does not exceed net NCMI from primary production. |
VR.ATO.TRT.432824 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432866 | CMN.ATO.TRT.W00010 | Ensure the total amount at Excluded from NCMI from primary production (beneficiary and no beneficiary presently entitled) does not exceed net Excluded from NCMI from primary production. |
VR.ATO.GEN.438002 | CMN.ATO.GEN.438002 | International Dealings Schedule is not attached |
VR.ATO.TRT.432199 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432712 | Answer to Attributed foreign income question must be 'yes' |
VR.ATO.TRT.432375 | CMN.ATO.GEN.001001 | Mandatory field not supplied |
VR.ATO.TRT.432707 | CMN.ATO.GEN.438031 | International Dealings Schedule is not required |
VR.ATO.TRT.432202 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430120 | Other assessable foreign source income 'Gross' amount must not be less than 'Net' amount |
VR.ATO.TRT.432431 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432651 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432651 | Gross other assessable foreign source income required |
VR.ATO.TRT.432203 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432683 | An overall trust loss must not be distributed between trusts |
VR.ATO.TRT.432204 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432205 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432206 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432257 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432675 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432675 | International Dealings Schedule not attached |
VR.ATO.TRT.432259 | CMN.ATO.GEN.430040 | Overseas royalty expenses must not exceed Total royalty expenses |
VR.ATO.TRT.432260 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432655 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432655 | Royalty expenses overseas required |
VR.ATO.TRT.432656 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432656 | Royalties deductions incorrect |
VR.ATO.TRT.432676 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432676 | International Dealings Schedule not attached |
VR.ATO.TRT.432193 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432193 | Attributed foreign income must equal distributed amounts |
VR.ATO.TRT.432194 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432647 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432647 | Attributed foreign income incorrect |
VR.ATO.TRT.432648 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432756 | Number of controlled foreign companies or trusts required |
VR.ATO.TRT.432196 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432646 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432714 | Attributed foreign income incorrect |
VR.ATO.TRT.432783 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432784 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432784 | Early stage venture capital limited partnership tax offset amount must equal distributed amounts. |
VR.ATO.GEN.438018 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432825 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432826 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432701 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432235 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432235 | Business and professional items amounts must be present |
VR.ATO.TRT.432236 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432827 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432828 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432829 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432830 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432831 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432832 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432360 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |
VR.ATO.TRT.432720 | CMN.ATO.TRT.432762 | Response to TOFA gains or losses is required |
VR.ATO.TRT.432361 | CMN.ATO.GEN.400011 | Field incorrect format. Exceeds maximum digits or decimals and/or contains illegal characters |