This page outlines the frequently asked questions in relation to the Trust Tax Return lodgment.
Which financial year of Class Trust Return is Lodgment supported?
We currently support Trust Tax Return Lodgment for the 2021 Financial Year onwards.
How do I get access to Class Trust Lodgment?
If you have a subscription to Class Trust, the Tax lodgment will be available. You can email for information, or to arrange a subscription, to the Class Trust product.
Is Class Trust Tax Return lodgment free?
Class Trust Tax Return is available to you if have an activate Class Trust Subscription and is included as part of your normal subscription.
If you currently do not have a Class Trust subscription, you can contact your Account Management or email for further information.
Is there a difference between SMSF Lodgment and Trust Tax Return Lodgment?
The Trust Tax Return lodgment has a new look and feel which includes a number of improvements. The new design has validation within the forms plus automatic reconciliation of the Annual Return and Schedules.
Does the Class Trust Tax Return include all income and expenses?
The Class Trust Tax Return includes all the income and expenses except for Business Income and Deductions. Class recommends only using Class Trust for Investment Trusts.
What roles have access to Class Trust Tax Return and who can lodge Trust Tax Return?
Any user with Fund Administrator, Access Controller or Tax Agent role can edit and lodge the return.
Can I transfer a Trust tax return to/from APS, MYOB and Xero to/from Class?
We are exploring pathways for the Class Trust Tax Return to integrate with practice management software provided by APS, MYOB, and Xero.
We currently do not support this integration. You can provide feedback on this through AHA!
Is it possible to lodge a Trust Tax Return at Business Level under Tax Administration?
At this stage the lodgment of Trust Tax Return is only supported at the Fund level.