Class Transitions Team provide a range of additional services, that are not part of the standard transition process. These will be billed as additional costs, the Fee Schedule will be provided before proceeding in TMS (Transitions Management Service).
Navigate to Business Level > Business > Upload Funds. Click Add Batch in TMS, to view the fee schedule.
To select any of our additional services simply check the tick box in the relevant column next to the fund name in your batch within TMS:
Click the below heading for more information on what we require:
Portfolio Reconstructions
In the event that you had been accounting for Wrap accounts as one line asset items on your previous system, and would now like to separate the assets to show all holdings individually, we can separate out the assets for you at the time of loading the funds. In our experience, this is the best time to separate out the assets, as making changes to an asset cost base can be problematic after processing has commenced. Also, income generation can only happen automatically when investments are separated out.
The portfolio/wrap must be separated out as at a 30 June date, being the year end-date the fund will be transitioning across on Class.
Documents Required
- Unrealised capital gains report as at year end-date (.xls or .pdf preferred)
- Portfolio valuation as at year end-date (with APIR & ASX codes if possible)
Ensure you tick the 'Require Portfolio Reconstruction' tick box in the fund list screen of TMS in order to notify us you would like this additional service performed.
Transaction Transcription
The Transitions Team will create an Excel transaction loader with all of your historical bank and/or portfolio transactions in the event that you are unable to get back-filled transactions from your feed provider. The Transitions Team will not enter any transactions directly into Class. They will provide you with the Excel Transaction Loader containing the transactions for you to review before loading the transactions to class. You will need to provide us with the transactions from the book close date to the date the data feed started on Class, to ensure that all historical transactions are captured.
Documents Required
- Bank statements from book close date to current date (.pdf)
- Portfolio transactions/trades from book close date to current date (.xls or .pdf)
Ensure you tick the 'Requires Transaction Transcription' tick box in the fund list screen of TMS in order to notify us you would like this additional service performed.
Depreciation Schedule
If you would like to use the Class Depreciation Worksheet, the Transition Team can set up the depreciation schedule with all of your depreciable assets created for you.
Documents Required
- Depreciation schedule which includes purchase cost, opening written down value, depreciation type, depreciation method, depreciation percentage.
- If there is more than one property held in the fund please also indicate which asset belongs to which property.
Ensure you tick the 'Require Depreciation Schedule' tick box in the fund list screen of TMS in order to notify us you would like this additional service performed.
Feeds Identification
To help you identify your data feeds, the Class Transitions team can create your fund holding references, such as BSB and Account numbers and Wrap/Broker Account numbers and selecting the relevant products. The feeds identification service is not chargeable and involves:
- entering bsb and account numbers for cash accounts and selecting the feed product
- entering account numbers for broker/platform data feeds, linking the relevant holdings and selecting the feed product.
Documents Required
- For bank account details, please provide either the bank statement with the BSB and Account Number clearly readable, or alternatively provide a list of BSB's, account numbers, and fund codes that the bank accounts belong to. If you have multiple bank accounts in a fund, you should also include a means for the team to tell which account belongs to which BSB/Account Number.
- For Wrap and Broker accounts, please provide either a Broker or Wrap statement that shows all of the assets held in the broker or Wrap account.
You will need to print the feed authority forms and provide to the trustee(s) or follow the process to request activation from adviser(s) once the feeds have been identified by the transitions team.