In this article, we explain Authority Forms and will cover the following;
- Authority Form Storage
- Identifying Authority Forms
- Uploading Signed Authority Form
- Unrecognised Barcode Error
- Waiting Verification Status
Authority Form Storage
Authority forms can be stored in Class against the feed configuration screens. This allows for easy filing and retrieval of completed authorities. The stored forms can also be used to log feeds support issues directly to the Class support desk.
Identifying Authority Forms
Class uses a barcode system to identify authority forms that have been generated for a specific feed account. This means that each form generated for a feed will have its own unique barcode on it.
It is best practice to upload a copy of signed completed authority forms to Class in order to complete the setup of the feed.
Uploading Signed Authority Form
Navigate to Fund Level > Feeds > Feeds Console
Click on the data feed set up that requires the Authority Form to be uploaded.
- Click on the "Upload" button* under Data Source section.
- Click on the "Choose File" button
- Select the Authority Form file and click Open.
- Click the "Upload" button to upload the authority form. The status of the feed will update to Waiting on Provider.
The PDF file should be within the 4MB size limit. If the form you are uploading is larger than 4MB, you should archive them into a .ZIP folder first then upload it into Class.
*The Upload button will only show if the form was generated from Class.
Class expects the originally generated barcode to be uploaded, however, there may be situations where the expected barcode is different from the original barcode, refer to Unrecognised Barcode error section below.
Unrecognised Barcode Error
A few reasons why the error "ReceivedBarcodeUnrecognised" occurred is as below:
- Class has updated the feed provider form since the original form was downloaded.
- Changes were made to the detail of the feed account since the original form was downloaded.
- Class could not find a bar code on the scanned form.
In the above cases, the original barcode form will still be uploaded, and a warning message will appear. The feed status will also change from Authority Not Sent to Waiting for Verification, refer to the below section.
Waiting Verification Status
This status refers to the client, to verify the Authority Form uploaded is true, complete and relevant to the feed set up.
If you wish to retain the uploaded form, click the Verify button. This will change the feed status to Waiting On Provider.
If you wish to remove the uploaded form, click the Delete button. This will revert the feed status to Authority Not Sent.
If you wish to replace the form, select Upload, and follow the process to upload a new form.