- The cash account to be linked to the platform/broker* is exist in the fund.
- The portfolio valuation report is obtained.
*Only some broker and the majority of platform accounts support automated data feed for a cash account. Refer to Data Feed Overview to check which product supports the cash account.
Configuration Process
In the Fund, Navigate to the Feeds > Feeds Console
- Click on +New.
- Click on New Broker/Platform Feed
- Fill in the information on the Configuration page
- Select Product# and add Account Number
- Select the supported Data Source
- Link the relevant Holding Accounts^
- Follow the Authority Process on setting up the data feed
Click on "Help on this automated feed" link to guide through to user guide.+ - Click "Save"
#If the product cannot be found on the list, please submit New Data Feed Request Form to add the product onto the list.
^If all the relevant holding accounts are not linked, the system will create new investment accounts, which could cause duplication of investment accounts, which can be challenging to correct.
Cash accounts are required to be created before linking to the data feed as the system will not create the cash account automatically apart from SMA related cash accounts.
+If the product selected is not currently supported for automated data feed in Class, it will show (when available).