This article will guide you through how you can use the Term Deposit tab to load transactions for Term Deposits.
- Validation - Indicates if all required fields have been filled out correctly for the transaction in that row
- Fund Code - Enter the code for the fund
- Transaction ID - Optional field, Class will automatically create a transaction ID for you if left blank
- BSB Number - Optional field for the BSB of the account. Informational only.
- Account Number - Optional field for the account number of the bank account. Informational only
- Holding Reference Type - Select how you would like to map the transactions to the fund. Options are; Account number if you would like to map to a broker/wrap account number; or Holding account if you would like to map to the account code of the asset in Class.
- Holding Reference Code - Enter either the Wrap/BrokerAccount number or the Holding account of the asset that is set up in Class, (depending on which option you select in step 5)
- Event Type - Select which event type you would like to load.
- Transaction Date - Enter the date of the transaction
- Transaction Amount - Enter the amount of the transaction
- Description - Enter a narration for the transaction.
- Interest Rate - Optional field for the interest rate of the term deposit.
- Interest Frequency Type - Optional field for the interest frequency type.
- Maturity Date - Optional field for the maturity date.
- Term Type - Optional field for the type of term
- Term - Optional field for the term of the deposit
What's Next
Enter in your portfolio transactions.