The corporate actions tab allows you to load corporate actions across multiple funds.
The Corporate Action Console in Class allows you to bulk process corporate actions. It is recommended that you use this to process your corporate action. You should only really use this tab for unlisted securities.
The corporate actions tab works a little differently from the other tabs. Once you select the event type, the loader will highlight which of the categories are required to be filled in.
- This column will indicate if all required fields have been filled out correctly for the transaction in that row.
- Select how you would like to map the transactions to the fund (so that Class knows where to load the transactions). Pick Account Number if the source asset (i.e. the one undergoing the action) is linked to a broker/wrap number and you would like to map to this; HIN/SRN if you have entered this against the holding and would like to use this or holding account if you would like to map to the account code of the asset in Class.
- Fund code for the fund you would like to load the transactions to. Must be filled in if you are using the holding account to map the transactions to a fund in Class.
- Broker/Wrap/HIN/SRN number that the source asset is linked to. Only required if you select Account number or HIN/SRN in step 2.
- The holding code of the asset in Class. Required if you pick holding account in step 2.
- Select how you would like to map the transactions to the fund (so that Class knows where to load the transactions). Pick Account Number if the takeover asset (i.e. the new asset where applicable) is linked to a broker/wrap number and you would like to map to this; HIN/SRN if you have entered this against the holding and would like to use this or holding account if you would like to map to the account code of the asset in Class.
- Broker/Wrap/HIN/SRN number that the target asset is linked to. Only required if you select Account number or HIN/SRN in step 6.
- The holding code of the asset in Class. Required if you pick holding account in step 6.
- Date of the action.
- Settlement date
- CGT Date
- Quantity held in source account
- New quantity held after the action
- Amount of cost being transferred to new asset
- Cash Amount
- Target/excess market value
- Franked amount
- Unfranked amount
- Franking credits
- Narration for the transaction.
Corporate actions for Unlisted Securities
You can use this tab of the loader to generate corporate actions for unlisted securities in bulk, and across multiple funds. This is especially useful where you have widely held unlisted assets.
- Click Generate Corporate Actions
- Enter in the code of the unlisted security
- Select the event type
- Enter the entitlement date
- Enter the Payment Date
- Click OK
- Enter in any of the missing required fields per the above.