When I try to lodge the Annual Return the following error occurs:
"CONNECTIVITY There was a problem connecting to SBR2"
There are two possible causes of this error:
- The return has already been lodged, however the status in Class has not changed to "Lodged"
- ATO PLS outage
ATO PLS Outage
- Check the current PLS status on the Practitioner lodgment service dashboard
- Check the ATO portal to confirm if the return has been lodged with the ATO or not
- Relodge the return, if it has not been received by the ATO, once ATO PLS is available
Return is lodged on ATO Portal but not showing as lodged in Class
- Check the status of the return on the ATO Portal to determine if it has already been lodged
- If the return shows as lodged on the portal but not in Class, refer to knowledge article How do I mark a tax return as lodged? for detailed instructions.