Welcome to the June edition of Class FAQs.
This article contains the most common FAQs for June 2023 and some suggested actions you can take once the Annual Return has been lodged.
We are here to support you through this busy period every step of the way. You can reach us on 1300 851 057 or support@class.com.au
We hope you find the information useful and wish you a smooth and successful year-end!
Lodgment and Year End
Lodgment and Audit information:
- Fixing lodgment issues has never been easier.
- Using this report can help you check annual return lodgment status for all funds in your business.
- Getting questions from Auditors? Show them the SMSF Auditor Guide, which is designed to help Auditors use Class and access information required for Audit.
Already completed lodgment? What's next?
- Reviewing Data Feeds for all funds using the Business Level Feeds Console can be a worthwhile exercise. Setting up Data Feeds is the key to using Class to its full potential.
- Perhaps set a reminder for residential property valuations and commercial property valuations on 30/06/2023. If you have an issue with RP data valuations, this article may help.
- TBAR reporting is coming up for some funds next month. Check out this summary list of Help Centre articles for all things TBAR related.
- Once the 2022 year is closed (and only when it is closed), it is time to complete pension reviews. A faster way to complete these is at the business level > click on the Members tab > select the "Pension Limits" radio button > sort by "Requiring Action" column > then click on the menu icon on the right > select "Pension Review Details" to complete pension review in the fund.
Transfer Balance Account Updates
- We made some enhancements on Personal Transfer Balance Cap tab to simplify understanding of more complicated indexation calculations for FY23 for each member. More details can be found here.
- New PTBC (Personal Transfer Balance Cap) column added to the Transfer Balance Account table for easier tracking of difference between TBA and the remaining amount.
- More information about how the upcoming 1 July 2023 indexation of Transfer Balance Account can be found in this article.