How do I process scrip for scrip rollover relief?
Use Takeover/Demerger event to take up Scrip for Scrip Rollover Relief. The following outlines two common scenarios.
Scenario 1 - Full Rollover Relief
Refer to user guide Manual Corporate Actions for detailed steps.
Scenario 2 - Partial Rollover Relief
1. Processing the parcels without rollover relief
Navigate to Fund Level > Transactions > Investment - Sell > Listed Security disposal
- Sell the parcels at market value
Navigate to Fund Level> Periodic Processing > Maintain Parcel Matches
- Search for the investment
- Click Edit to the left of the disposal record.
- Match the disposal record with the related purchase parcels where rollover relief is not being applied for by ticking the check boxes.
- Click Save to complete the parcel matching.
Navigate to Fund Level > Transactions > Investment - Buy > Listed Security Acquisition
- Buy the original amount of units/shares at market value
Navigate to Fund Level > Transactions > Match Transactions
- Match the disposal event and the acquisition event
2. Processing the parcels with rollover relief
Refer to our User Guide on Manual Corporate Actions for detailed steps.