White Labels are used in Class to attach customised logos, colour schemes and signatures to various reports, envelopes and Client View.
In this article, you will learn how to:
- Create White Labels
- Link entities to a White Label
- Update branding for Client View and Reports
- Update branding for Electronic Signatures
Create White Labels
Multiple White Labels can be created to provide flexibility in applying different branding across entities. For this reason, you should avoid creating a new brand to group entities if it is purely for branding and use White Label instead.
Navigate to Business Level > Settings > White Labels
- Click on the New button. The White Label page will appear as shown below:
- Click Save and go the Logos and Signatures tab to add your business logos:
Make sure your images are in the specified dimensions.
- Once you have added your logos, go to the Portfolios tab to add required portfolios to the White Label.
Homepage URL - You can set the URL you wish your clients/Advisers to go to when clicking on their Logo in the top left hand corner of client view, for example www.testbusiness.com.au
A White Label can be deleted if there are no funds or portfolios attached to the White Label. The delete button is disabled if there are entities attached to the White Label. A White Label can be cloned. However, only the 'White Label' page and 'Logos and Signatures' pages will be cloned. No entities, reporting defaults, or Fund web settings will be cloned.
Link entities to a White Label
You need to Create White Labels before you can start linking entities.
There is no option to delete an entity from a White Label. You would need to add it to a different White Label to remove the existing settings applied to it.
Navigate to Business Level > Settings > White Labels
- Select the White Label which had been created before, then go to the Portfolios tab.
- Click the Add Portfolios button.
- A screen will display a list of all funds and portfolios in the business.
- Tick Box next to the funds or portfolio you wish to add to the White Label.
- Click the Add button to finalise.
Update branding for Client View and Reports
In Class you can add your own customised image for the following items:
- Client view logo
- Reporting logo
- SMSF Compilation Report signature
You must first create the White Label before you can add images for client view and reports
- Click on the relevant White Label, by either clicking on the code or description.
- Go to the Logos and Signatures tab, the screen should look like the one below:
- Click the Browse button and navigate to where your JPEG file is located.
- Click the Upload Logo button to set your new logo or signature. You will receive a confirmation message that your logo has been saved.
Update branding for Electronic Signatures
Businesses can apply their own branding (colour scheme and logos) to the electronic signature client interfacing communications like envelopes and email notifications. By default, all businesses are assigned the branding provided by DocuSign.
You can set up a colour scheme for both Email and Signing template components like Header Background, Header Text, Button Background and Button Text and choose the logo to be displayed on the signing screen and on emails.
At the Business level Navigate to Settings > White Labels and select the appropriate White Label record that needs to be updated and click on the Electronic Signature tab.
The Interface
The screen has two major parts; the section on the left is the Settings area where one could select the colour and logo for the signing and email, while the section on the right is the Preview area which provides the view of the settings being applied.
In the Preview area, use the switch to toggle between Signing and Email preview. The preview window actively replicates the changes made in the Settings area, to easily visualise the change.
To change the colour for available components and logo of DocuSign signing page and email notification to apply their own branding
Colour Scheme
Use the colour chart to choose the colour for each component, changes shall apply to both the Signing pages and Email notifications. Either enter an RGB value or use the colour from the band of colours and adjust between different shades of colour until the desired colour is achieved:
Signing components
Email Components
Choose an image file as per the below specifications to be used as logo for the signing page and email notification:
Signing Logo
Choose the image file for Signing and click the "Upload signing logo" button to submit the logo.
Email Logo
Choose the image file for email templates and click the "Upload email logo" button to submit the logo.
Ensure to save all the changes by clicking the button at the bottom of the screen.
What's Next?
If you are struggling to upload a document because of the file dimensions, refer to this article