The Maintain Parcel Matches functionality allows you to view all parcels for investments, and gives you the ability to override the default parcel match method that has been selected for a Business, Brand or fund level.
Navigate to Fund Level > Periodic Processing > Maintain Parcel Matches
Search for an Investment
- Type the name of the investment in the Search box (Then select the investment from the drop-down)
This will display events relating to the parcel such as purchases, cost base adjustments, quantity adjustments and disposals
Manually Record a Parcel Match
Please ensure that you have searched for and selected an investment before completing the next steps.
Select the Edit button to the left of the Disposal or Adjustment event for the event which you need to parcel match.
If the Disposal or Adjustment has already been matched, then details of the match will show on the Method, Consideration, Sold Cost, Taxable, Non Taxable, and Taxable Gain columns.
If the Matched checkbox is ticked alongside any acquisition, then this disposal is either partially or fully matched - refer to the Quantity Remaining column.
Tick the checkbox alongside the Purchase record to manually match a Disposal or Adjustment against an open parcel.
The Matched Quantity column will be populated for the Acquisition and the Disposal Adjustment.
Tick the checkbox "Only Show Matchable Parcels" to show the open parcels that this Disposal or Adjustment can be matched against.
You can only remove the tick from the checkbox if the match was completed through the Match Parcels page. If you cannot remove the tick, it is because the match was completed by a Period Update so you should rollback your Period Update.
Record a parcel match using pre-set options
Please ensure that Search for an Investment is completed before completing the next steps.
- Select the Edit button to the left of the Disposal or Adjustment event for the event which you need to parcel match.
- Select the Disposal event and select from one of the four disposal methods available Click Allocate button. This will apply the parcel matching against the open parcels as per the method selected. If you wish to clear all the boxes ticket, use the Clear All button.
- The Matched Quantity column will be populated for the Acquisition and the Disposal Adjustment.
- Click the Save button to save your changes. If at any time you wish to cancel the changes you have made, click the Cancel button to the left of the disposal event.
If you are using the Parcel Matches page for a holding with either a Cost Base Adjustment or a Quantity Adjustment, then you first need to match the Cost Base Adjustment or Quantity Adjustment before matching the Disposal.