This article provides an overview of Corporate actions.
Most of the Corporate Action details will be automated using the announcement data from ASX Reference Point. Class prioritises Corporate Actions based on information availability and how widely held the relevant securities are within the client base. However, some Corporate Actions may require additional information where fund specific decisions have to be made.
Such information includes:
- Whether you have chosen roll-over relief or not
- The determination of the demerger percentages
- Retail premiums paid on lapse of rights
- Implementation or CGT dates
There are also Corporate Actions generally not available through ASX Reference Point:
- Takeover or merger
- Spin-off or demerger
- Stapling, de-stapling and re-stapling
- Very complex corporate action
These Corporate Actions will usually require detailed research and analysis by the Class Compliance team before a template, tool or calculator can be added to Class.
Refer to our Knowledge Article for information on How to get a Corporate Action added to Class.