This article explains all the functions available at the business level including:
Business Menus
When you first log in to Class, you are at the Business Level console. The Top Menu Bar has some menus, each with a drop-down list with various options.
- Business: This is where information relating to the overall business may be accessed, where you create new entities including consolidated portfolios, access the TMS, business contact, portfolio fees or the message console.
- Feeds: This menu provides access to the Feeds Console.
- Transactions: This is where data files can be loaded or you can view the status of a loaded file. You can also access the Transaction Rules Console (Maintain Transaction Rules) and the Cash Console.
- Members: This menu provides access to the Members Console.
- Investments: This provides access to the Corporate Action and Property Console, and it allows you to create new investment securities or manage investments held across all entities in your business.
- Periodic Processing: This allows you to manage lodgements including Activity Statements, Tax and TBAR Lodgment.
- Reports: This is where you can create and maintain reports packages, default settings for single reports and create custom reports.
- Settings: This allows you to manage or create new income or expense categories, manage default settings for business and brands and White Labels.
Class also has three icons that appear in the top right-hand corner, both at a Business or Fund Level and are links to;
- Change business: This is a shortcut for the users who have access to multiple businesses to switch between different businesses.
- Client view: This displays the Client View screen for the fund.
- Help: A drop-down list of all the available help on Class, you can log a support request and find help using the help widget from here.
My account: Options to manage your personal user settings are available here.
Depending on whether you are at the Business or Fund Level, different options may be available from the drop-down menu.
Business Console Shortcuts
Business console shortcuts give you quick access to the more frequently used Business consoles:
- Funds: This tab displays a list of all your funds, portfolios and consolidated portfolios. Here you can browse all the funds for your business or filter by categories e.g. corporate actions, suspended. You can also sort by Tags. Any tags that you filter by on this screen will be remembered as you switch between the consoles.
- Contacts: This tab shows a list of all the contacts in the Business. For more help on this section, please see Business Contacts.
- Members: This tab features the Member Console, which is designed to allow you to view contribution, pension, member and contact details for all members within your business in one place. For more information on this, please see Member Console.
- Feeds: This tab provides a business-level view of all feeds. It also includes useful information on feeds including their current status, any errors and the last time they were processed. For more information on this, please see Feeds Console.
- Corporate Actions: This tab features the Corporate Actions Console which allows you to monitor and process corporate actions in bulk for all funds in your business. For more information on this, please see Corporate Actions Console.
- Tax Lodgments: This tab navigates you to the Tax Lodgment Console which allows you to easily track and manage SMSF lodgments across your entire business. For more information on this, please see Tax Lodgment Console.
- Signature Tracking: You can only view this tab if your business has Electronic Signature enabled. From this Signature Tracking screen you can track the status and manage the envelopes at the Business or Fund level. For more information on this, please see Electronic Signatures.
Rollovers & Release Authorities: This navigates you to the Rollover & Release Authorities console which allows you to easily track and manage all electronic Rollovers and Release Authorities, including initiating new Rollovers into and out of your SMSFs. For more information please see Rollovers & Release Authorities Console.
Additional Menu Shortcuts
There are some additional navigation tools that enable you to quickly access certain fund level consoles/screens. By clicking on the Menu , you can access a shortcut to the following fund level functionality:
- Bank Statements
- Browse Events
- Corporate Actions
- Fund Dashboard
- Unmatched Transactions
- Last Period Update
What's Next?
Learn about the different Fund Level Menus.